Chapter 6

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I tried to play it cool even as I was shaking on the inside.

It had been difficult to watch the fight at all and even more difficult not to intervene when it looked like the tide was turning in Vishnu's favor.

But Kiko had fought smart and hard to come out on top.

I deliberately loosened my grip, knowing I was probably holding her too tight.

"So, where do you want to live? Here or in the city?" I asked casually.

She looked up at me.


"Well, I need to know where to make room for you. In my cabin or my apartment. Though I can make room in both. It would be nice to always have you with me."

"You want to move in together?"

I didn't let her surprise faze me.

"Yes. Did you think I wasn't serious earlier?"

"No. I mean, yeah I thought you were serious. But moving in is a big step. Are you sure?"

I didn't even have to think about that.

"I'm sure. Unless you don't want to?"

I held my breath at the pause.

"I want to. I really do."

I let out the breath.

"OK, good. That's settled then."

"But aren't you going to be Second now? I mean, Vishnu can't stay. Doesn't that mean you need to live here?"

My step faltered a little.

"You know, with everything going on, I didn't really think about that. He lost the trial by combat, which means he might not be Second anymore, which would make my challenge obsolete...but that doesn't mean I'm Second. Nolan might pick someone else."

Kiko gave me a look.

"Really? You really think he's going to want someone else?"

"It's possible. I don't want to presume."

Staying on pack land would be nice. I was getting older and with that was coming an increased desire to spend more time in one place.

And now I had Kiko. I'd likely see her more if my day-to-day location was more stable.

"Are you fine with living here?"

"Sure. I thought I might move here later, but I can make now work. I can make trips into the city for work."

"Alright. Even if I don't make Second, we stay here. I can figure out a way to delegate if need be."

"Look at you being all domestic," she teased.

"You make it feel easy," I said truthfully.

"Oh man. Hit me right in the heart why don't you."

I chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

But it was true that she made the decision easy. I wanted to build a life with her and I was determined to work everything else out so I could.

Rev, the pack doctor, came over to check Kiko out.

"She'll be fine. Just needs to rest and take it easy for a couple days."

Kiko's Mate (Werewolf Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें