Chapter 23: Revenge

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{Alex's P.O.V}

We all sat in a circle in Jordan's room thinking of different ways to get back at Mark but none of them were good enough and if they werent then there was that chance he wouldnt go away, thats what really scared me. "How about...."


I found myself back at Marks infront of his house, I hated how this plan was going to go... I knocked on the door to have a older woman stand before me, "H-Hello is Mark here..?" 

"MARK, A YOUNG BOY IS HERE FOR YOU!" She yelled. Then all you heard was foot steps running down to the door presenting Mark. "H-Hey.." He panted out of breath.

"Lets go to the park.. I have a present for you there." I said trying to act seductively.

He grinned leading me to his car driving to the park. I was really nervous about this plan i wasnt sure I could pull through with this but one mess up...and the whole plan is ruined. He pulled into the empty parking lot by the park and got out with me. I grabbed ahold of his hand walking to the corner of the park covered by bushes. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I grabbed the collar of his shirt leaning up to his ear, "Take me right here." I whispered. 

My hands where both held in his one hand pinned against the park wall. His lips latched onto my neck when I took a deep breath and screamed. "RAPE!!!" He got off of me looking at me confused till my four other friends came out with camera's and everything. "Busted." Sasha grinned.

"What is all of this?" Mark hissed.

"Payback for hurting Me, and Alex." Jordan Growled.

"Alex, I was there for you when this fucktard wasnt. I helped you forget about your problems." Mark stepped towards me. 

"What do you mean he helped you? Alex you didnt cut again did you?" Jordan stepped forward too, I looked down to embarrassed to tell him what I really did with Mark.

"Of course not idiot, What do you think these are from." Marks hands pointed to all the hickeys on my neck. 

"Alex-" I cut Jordan off before he could yell at me, "-Before you hate me, Im sorry! I was just mad at you..I couldnt stop thinking about you though... I even called out your name...Im sorry you not my first but even before I met you Mark still was. Please dont be mad." Tears fell from my face, I balled up my fist embarrassed of myself. "im sorry..." 

Jordans arms wrapped around me as I sobbed into his chest. "Mark, leave Alex alone or this video will be posted all over school." 

"Fine you cunts." Mark went back to his car looking back at me several times before speeding off. "Alex I didnt mean for you to cry." Jordan wiped my tears away. "Its okay... I made myself cry its not your fault..." 

"Welp our job here is done!" Emma smiled, "Look we gotta get going, I have a project to do and its due tomorrow. Byeee." Emma and everyone left but not without a big thanks from me. Jordans lips smashes onto mine without warning, he then pulls away, "uh sorry.. its just seeing Mark on you Grahh, and his lips on yours....You lips belong to me and nobody else got it." I smiled and nodded, then pecked his lips,"-And your lips are mine." 

"You know by birthday is coming up..?" Jordan smiled.

"Oh really?" I smiled.

"Do you know what I want?" 

"Hmmmmm A Car?" I chuckled.

"No, well yes but im talking about from you. It is my first birthday with you."

I blushed, I knew what exactly he was talking about but I was to shy to say the word. He leaned over in my ear, "I want you silly." My face suddenly felt like it was on fire, only Jordan could make me feel this way.. and I want it to stay that way too.

We went back to my house and added a few things to our class project, "Even though we were together we still had fights..but thats okay because we only wanted to protect eachother. We only wanted to stay together longer, we wanted to be in this relationship together, no more one sided decisions because to work things out sometimes you cant do it alone. I love him.." 

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