"Arnav" Part II

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"When he kisses her storms rise beneath her skin. For she is the ocean and he is the moon."

This might be a little mature....

Arnav opened the doors to his room and was invited by the sound of the chimes at the door. He smiled and threw his jacket on the chair. He unbuttoned his waistcoat and loosened his tie and threw them near the jacket. He took off his cufflinks and kept them on the drawer near his bed. He finally started unbuttoning his shirt. 

Arnav heard ringing from close by. It was Khushi's anklets, they were getting louder as she came closer. 


Khushi slowly walked into their bedroom. She had her head down the whole time, wondering what was going on in Arnav mind. 

"Khushi".She finally looked up when she heard Arnav say her name. Her eyes widened and she covered her eyes.

"Arnav ji, why aren't you wearing a shirt!". Arnav smirked at her reaction, she was still very shy at looking at him even though they had done the special deed many times.

She's so innocent...and hot.

Khushi didn't hear Arnav say anything, she was going to talk again when she felt a hand on her stomach from behind.

"What the..?"

Arnav grinned at her choice of words.

She says it much better.

Arnav pulled Khushi closer by her waist. He heard Khushi gasp again. He lowered his chin on her shoulder and lightly kissed her shoulder. He felt her shiver. 

He loved knowing the effect he had on her. 

"Khushi today..."

He couldn't finish his sentence because Khushi got out of his arms and pushed herself away from him. He stumbled backwards. 

"I need to say something first", Khushi's face showed confidence, but her eyes said something else. 

If he keeps staring at me like that, I'll faint.

"Khushi it's okay you don't have to say anything! I understand..."

Khushi tried interrupting him again.However, before she could say anything Arnav pulled Khushi up to his body again. He took one glance at her and then with a husky voice said, " You know how much I hate when you interrupt me Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. You should get a punishment for interrupting me so many times". 

Khushi looked up at him and as he was bending down to capture her lips with his, she stopped him again by saying, "Arnav".

Arnav stopped midway and looked up at her red face. "What did you say Khushi?".

Oh my god.

"I...I said Arnav." Arnav smirked again and said, "Say it again".

"Arna...", before she could finish saying his name he captured her lips with his. Khushi held on to him tight and let him kiss her. She missed his rough stubble against her face. She groaned and stood on her tip toe, seeking his lips, reaching deeper, wanting to give him more

He swallowed hard and gently bit her delicate lip, coaxing them open with his tongue, as his tongue probed further, she let hers press against his. 

After what seemed like a very short time to both of them, they both stopped to take a breath. Arnav stared at Khushi as her chest went up and down. "Arnav..", Khushi moaned out loud. 

Khushi's moan surprised Arnav. It also increased his desire for her. He left Khushi for a second to go lock his bedroom door before rushing back to Khushi. He picked Khushi up and laid her on their bed. He looked at her lying there, that open innocent gaze, her lips were trembling and before he knew it he was closing the distance between them and kissing her passionately.

Arnav 's face went down to her chest. After a while, he could feel Khushi's gaze on him. 

Arnav spoke up , "Jaan stop staring at me like that.... You don't know the things you are making me want to do to you". 

Khushi's face went red again.

"Say my name!", demanded Arnav.

She held his head in both hands and sighed as she kissed him on both of his cheeks. "Arnav".

I love her.

"Again", demanded Arnav.

She's mine.

Khushi kissed his forehead and then lay a delicate kiss on his chin. She felt his rough stubble tickling her lips. "Arnav..." 

It sounds perfect when she says it.

She left love marks on his neck before repeating...


Arnav held a crooked smile on his face as he stared at his beautiful wife. 

He fell beside her and held her close to him. After a while he spoke up, "Khushi I'm sorry for getting mad at you this morning. You can call me whatever you want, it could be Arnav ji, laad governor, or Arnav I don't care. All I want is you and I don't ever want to fight with you again.".

He looked at Khushi, who had tears in her eyes. 

I love him.

"Anyways whenever we fight you always make jalebis. I don't want you to get fat with all those jalebis",  Arnav teased Khushi. 

Khushi hit him in the chest as his chest rumbled with laughter. Then she kissed him where she hit him.

"I should be the one saying sorry. I don't know why I get nervous when I say your name. I know I shouldn't after all of this, but you ignite weird feelings in me and it makes me nervous", Khushi mumbled.

Arnav smiled at her confession. 

"However, I will call you Arnav from now on. I promise."

"One more time", Arnav grinned at her.

"I love you Arnav!" 

After that, they had a long night with both of them screaming each other's names.


Woahhhh....Only I know how I wrote this. Man this was getting a little too mature.

However, it was only kissing haha

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Don't miss out on my other story "Him.".

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