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I couldn't sleep. I twist and turned through the night. Danny didn't seem to mind as he snored the night away. I couldn't get that image of Danielle out of my head. "How could she be alive and let me take the blame for her death" I asked myself. I knew that she wanted to get away but I just couldn't understand how she could abandoned me like that. I helped her escape and she didn't bother to show up in all this time. Not only did I need to find her to prove my innocence but to tell me what happened that night between my brother and me. As I finally began to doze off the lights turned on and there was a loud buzzing sound. I ignored it, covering my ears with my hands and tried to go back to sleep.

I finally woke up to the sound of an aluminum foil bowl being slid into the cell. Danny picked one up and began unraveling it revealing the warm delicious scent of food.

"What's this?" I asked sitting up.

"Oh, they're probably doing something in the cafeteria." He answered with his mouth full.

I jumped down and grabbed the bowl and began eating. It felt like I hadn't eaten in days.

"So you come up with a plan yet?" He asked chewing.

"Still working on it."

It seemed like it had been only seconds and I was already scrapping the bottom of the bowl, then burped loudly.

"That was delicious." I added.

"I love it when we stay in our cells, they spoil us so much."

"Who knew prison could be so luxurious."

I put my garbage on the ground in the corner and crouched under the bed and grabbed a cigarette.

"Damn you're gonna use up all of my stash."

"Sorry, I'll get you more."

I lit the cigarette and took a long drag. I could feel the nicotine flow right into my lungs. I sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled.

"Someone's awfully happy." Danny said finishing up his food.

"All of a sudden prison doesn't seem so bad."

"You say that now."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait until you've been sitting around in here for a while."

"How long have you been here for?"

"3 years."

"Since you were sixteen?!"

"Yeah, could even be here till the day I die." He laughed.

"And that's funny?"

"Well I have nothing better to do."

I shook my head at him and took another drag. We stayed in our cells the entire day. I took that opportunity to work out a little while Danny sat in his bed reading books. Soon it was time to shower. The guard rounded us all up and led us to the showers. Afterwards we got dressed in this locker room then were all escorted back to our cells. We stayed the rest of the day in our cells. I waited to be called to Alysha's office but they never called. I tried reading a book but couldn't concentrate, I tried taking a nap but wasn't tired. Finally I managed to fall asleep, but next thing it was the same routine all over. Once again we received a bowl of, then went to the showers then once again back to our cells. I didn't understand why I hadn't been called. "Was I better already" I thought to myself. I had another cigarette in my mouth. I breathed in the smoke and let it all out through my nose, my lips still gripping the cigarette. On the wall by my bed you could see the burns of all the cigarettes I put out. I seemed as if I were addicted but yet I felt as if I could stop whenever I wanted to.

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