Chapter 15

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shane's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                I looked at Shay with concern and asked, “What’s wrong Shay? Does your head hurt?” She might be about to transform if her head hurts, that is always the first sign that you’re about to transform into your Wolf form for your first time.

                Shay shook her head slowly then fell back on the bed and groaned.

                I looked at Shay confused and said, “What’s wrong Shay, please tell me so I can help you.”

                Shay tried to talk but it came out as a whisper, “I feel so light headed.”

                Shay slowly closed her eyes and I guessed by the sound of her heart beat that she had blacked out because her heart beat slowed way down. I picked her up and I ran down stairs, out the front door, and ran to an Unnatural hospital.

                Once I got there I ran up the front desk and told the girl behind the desk what had happened and she hurriedly called a doctor to come and bring a gurney and take her into a private room and see what’s wrong with her.

                A doctor hurried over to Shay and I and took Shay out of my arms and laid her on the gurney and put her into a private room. I tried to follow them, but they told me I had to stay out here and wait for the examination to be over before I could go in there with her, and I felt like yelling at them and throwing something at them for not letting me be with my Mate when something’s wrong with her. That’s like the number one thing you never do to a male Unnatural, you never tell him he can’t be with his Mate, especially when she is sick or something is wrong with her, because there is a ninety nine point ninety eight percent you will get hurt. I would be hurting them, but they are the only people that can find out what’s wrong with her, so I can’t. But my Wolf is still really mad and it’s getting hard not letting into the urge to hurt them.

                 An hour later the doctor came out and told me I could go into the room and see Shay, and also warned me that she is still out. I nodded then ran into the room to see Shay.

                 Shay looked so beautiful when she was lying on the gurney asleep.  I walked up to Shay and grabbed her hand gently and kissed her on the cheek then smiled down at her.

                I stood by Shay’s side for a while until the doctor came back in and I walked up to him and asked, “Do you know what’s wrong with Shay?”

                The doctor shook his head and said, “I’m sorry Mr. Shane but I’m afraid whatever is happening to Shay has never been recorded in Unnatural medical history.”

                I looked at the doctor’s face carefully to see if there was any sign that he was being sarcastic and I also listened to his heart beat and it didn’t falter as he said that.  I felt like throwing something at the wall as hard as I could, because they didn’t know what was wrong with her.  Doctors are suppose to know what is wrong with everyone right!

                “You’re serious?” I said angrily, and then yelled, “How could something not be recorded in the Unnatural medical history!  I mean you are a doctor for crying out loud!  You of all people should know what’s going on with her!”  I pointed at Shay as I yelled the last part.

               The doctor looked at me nervously and muttered, “I’m sorry Mr. Shane but I’m afraid so, no other Unnatural has ever been reported with whatever she has.  Whatever she has is new to the Unnatural immune system, that’s why she blacked out.  Her immune system is fighting hard to prevent whatever is going on with her to stop.

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