Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia, Olivia-," 

"Shut up Caden!" The boys, Mina stood in the empty hallway, waiting for me to put my stuff away for lunch. I looked over my shoulder to see Talon glaring at me. He lets out an annoyed grunt, mumbles something to Tav and stalks off. 

"What crawled up his ass and died?" I snorted unattractively, but shrugged at Mina who was staring after Talon with a frown. I know what his problem is. He's throwing a hissy fit because I wasn't letting him be my  almighty'protector'. 

"Let's go eat," I said instead. All four of us walked to the cafeteria in sync, and like I usually did, I slunk away from them to go sit at a different table, but Caden caught my elbow and tugged me towards their table. I stopped walking and pulled Caden to the side to talk to them. 

"Caden, I really want to sit alone today. I will sit somewhere you can see me. Just please -- I need the space for a little bit," I begged, widening my eyes for effect. I knew it was going to work on him. In my two months of being here, I discovered Caden was a sucker for puppy dog eyes. He sighed, running his hands through his inky black hair, but nodded reluctantly. I smiled thankfully at Caden, and trailed to a seat that was only four tables away from the group. Talon's cold eyes glared at me, but flickered to Caden when he sat down and explained why I wasn't coming over. 

Mina just nodded and looked over at me with an understanding smile. Tav also nodded and gave me a simple smile, but Talon had a annoyed-slash-angry expression on his perfect face. Talon shook his head at Caden and stood up, all the while keeping eye contact with me. Mina grabbed Talon's arm to stop him, but he just roughly shook her off. I looked down at my hands, and just waited for Talon to make his way over to me. I looked up to his face, expecting him to say something, but instead he grabbed my arm and yanked me up. 

"You are you controlling!" I ripped my arm out of his vice-like grip and stomped ahead of him to plop down next to Mina, away from the rest of the boys. I really just need to leave, and find a new place to live, but I was starting to like it here. I liked Mina; I considered her a friend. He won't hurt her, she's safe. It's just the boys who are in danger. I looked over at Caden and Tav with narrowed eyes, but they were oblivious to my slight hostility. 

It was decided. I'm leaving. Tomorrow. 

I just couldn't bare the thought of anyone else getting hurt because of me. It isn't right. I opened up my phone and entered the instant message application. 

Me: You free tonight?

Mina's phone pinged, so she pulled it out, frowned and looked over at me. 

Mina: Yep. Why? And why r u messaging me?

Me: Don't want the boys ruining our plans. Do you want to ditch school after lunch and hang out? 

A big smile nearly broke Mina's face, and her white teeth nearly blinded me as she hurriedly wrote a reply. 

Mina: YES. I'm parked in the back, we can make our escape after the bell rings.

Me: It's a date.

"What are you two smiling about?" Both Mina and I jumped as Tav interrupted our texting.

"Nothing," I snapped as I scowled at him. Mina and I chattered silently as the boys conversed about something completely different. There was about twenty minutes of lunch left when a rather annoying, shrill voice made the four people opposite of me at our table freeze. 

"Who do you think you are?" I turn around and look up to see a beautiful girl standing over me. I looked her up and down as she did the exact same. She had long, blond hair that framed her slightly orange face, making her look almost like a princess. Her deep brown eyes were flashing with displeasure. She looked like a damn barbie doll. If I looked hard enough, I could see the healing scars on her face from what I would guess was plastic surgery. 

"Well I'm Olivia. Let me guess your name... Hmm... is it Barbie?" I smirked up at her as her cheeks flushed a deep cherry color. Mina laughed from beside me, and I glanced at her with a smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as this new girl raised her hand to slap me. I stood up, in preparation to fight her, but suddenly Talon was in front of me, and everyone in the cafeteria gasped as her palm hit Talon instead of me. The smack echoed loudly throughout the room, silencing any and all conversation. 

Standing next to Talon, this chick was freakishly tall, almost standing as tall as him. I stood up and peered around to look up at Talon. I covered my mouth to smother my laugh as I observed the bright pink hand print on his face. The barbie look-a-like shrunk away from Talon, who had a straight,and almost calm face. It was worse than his angry face, and I guess Barbie realized that too. Before things could get too bad, Mina stood up, grabbed my arm and started to drag me away. Barbie's claws wrapped around me other arm, the injured one, and glared down at me. 

"Stay away from Talon. He's all mine," she hissed. Talon's nostrils flared as he pulled the girl away from me. 

"Don't fucking touch her Vicky. I am not yours you slut. Now get away from me before I contract an STD from you." I was laughing loudly as Mina led us out of the lunchroom. We grabbed our things and giggled like little girls as we headed for Mina's car that was parked in the back. We got in her sleek sports car and smiled at each other. 

"Wow, I can't believe Vicky slapped Talon," Mina chuckled. 

"So why does Vicky seem to hate me?" I ask curiously, but I was pretty sure I already knew. 

"Vicky slept with Talon once, and so she thinks they are a thing." Mina shook her head, and I laughed incredulously. Hussies these days. 

For the rest of the day, Mina and I drove around town, eating ice cream and listening to music. We went to the mall and strolled around; both of us bought new clothes and jewelry. I figured since I was never going to see Mina again, I could have a friend one more time. And it was worth it; it felt good to have a friend. She finally dropped me off at home when it started to get late. I looked over at Mina and smiled warmly. 

"Goodbye Mina," then I hugged her tightly. She pulled out of my driveway and I strolled inside with warm tears prickling my face. 

It was good while it lasted.

A/N: Any questions? Message me! 

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A xo

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