Betrayal (26)

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In this chapter, I intend to dip into the action and we are going to be taken away from the forest for awhile and placed in a new setting. Show support!



Vincent’s pace sped up considerably once we stepped out of sight of our fellows who watched us, me in particular, with curious looks. I almost had to run to keep up with him, my strides lengthening as much as possible to stay at least a few metres behind him.

“Can you slow down?” I huffed at him, the pain of my ankle now bothering me considerably.

It had been healing quite nicely and I had come to the point where I could walk steadily with only a slight limp. Unfortunately, the amount of walking that I had done recently had wrecked it once more, making me gasp out in pain every few strides.

Vincent glanced back at me and the look of anger in his amber eyes took me back slightly, making me stumble. He returned to his route and I did not utter another word.

I was led through the woods, seeming to go nowhere in particular till Vincent came to a standstill and turned on his heel, holding his hand out expectantly to me.

I arched an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms as I remained still.

“No,” I stated.

“Give me your rifle Monique,” Vincent snarled, becoming more irritated by the minute.

“No, I am not giving you my rifle,” I hissed, taking a step back.

“You will give it to me Monique whether you pass it to me or I take it off you personally.”

The promise in his voice was clear and something about the threat made me nervous.

I was just about to protest again when he lunged at me, aiming for my hip. I jerked out of his way, completely shocked that he had actually gone through with the threat.

“Fine!” I said in exasperation, pulling my rifle out and chucking it at him.

He caught it easily, unloaded it and slipped the ammunition into his pocket before chucking the now empty rifle back at me.

“You better give that back,” I muttered lowly, reluctant to accept to defeat.

He ignored me and resumed the earlier fast pace with me lumbering ungracefully behind him.

The trees became denser momentarily, their thick green leaves surrounding me in a deep pool of colour, before disappearing completely to reveal a large clearing. It was much bigger than the previous ones I had passed through or seen and filled with all kinds of equipment, vehicles and tents – it was larger than our own camp!

A gasp escaped my lips and I found my feet frozen in place. The urge to turn around and run as fast as I could rose up within me and suddenly, I felt so afraid and tense that I could feel my legs trembling slightly.

A soldier passed by, deep in conversation with none other than Paul, wearing a German uniform.

I went to step back but Vincent’s hand landed on my shoulder, holding on tightly, his eyes daring me to make a move and run.

“B-but…” I stuttered; my head whipping from side to side as I watched the activity bubbling around me.

There were at least six German soldiers in uniform, Pascal, Gilbert, and four other men, one dressed in black and the other three wearing normal clothes. They all meandered about the muddy clearing, seeming ignorant of mine and Vincent’s presence.

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