Chapter 18 "Seidouzan's captain!?"

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Maho no's POV
I have set up my timer 30 minutes earlier, for me to cook breakfast.

Time to sleep a few hours
I layed in my bed and looked at the ceiling


"Ah(Yeah) 'Precisely'"

"Hey!" Then we all smiled and began to laugh "That was MY line... Nii San, hahah" then Yuuichi San looked at me and smiled

"It cant be just yours" Kyousuke said


"When I come back to the field Kyousuke, Maho no." Nii san called.Huh?


"Sakka Yarouze?(Let's play soccer?)" Then he puts his hand out for us to shake hands. Then we shook hands

"Ah(Yeah)" then I smiled 

End Of Flashback
'"Sakka Yarouze'? Huh"


"You seem to have a good relationship with Nii San..." Kyousuke said

"Ah(Yeah) he came to understand me in a lot of situations...."


"When I came to Raimon... You're brother comforted me that, in the Match you'll definitely pass the ball to me"


"But ofcourse. I always make him laugh, like that one time." Then I started preventing myself from laughing "I told him if he needs a girlfriend---"

"Thats a pretty blunt question to ask---"

"IE!(NO!), He was asking me If a had any friends that are girls, that's why I came up with that. But really, he was just asking if I'm comfortable with him"

"Sounds more like him, so you really asked him that?"

"Ah(Yeah) why would I lie about that?"

"wakarimasen(I dont know)" he shook his head "Anyways. What is your relationship with---" then I ran to the hotel "MATTE YO---" he started running as well

"oyasuminasai Kyousuke!" I waved at him and he stopped running. And then I went inside the hotel, to get to my place

end of Flashback

"When will I tell them my truth?"
Then I closed my eyes and sleep sideways. I waited for myself to fall asleep

Time skip
"CRING!!!!!" The alarm... alarmed

Then I opened my eyes, my vision was a bit blurry, then I stopped the alarm clock

Then I sat up and stretched my arms. Then my leg's. as I hear some cracking noise from stretching.
Then my vision became clearer, so I stood up and brushed my hair. And grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom to take a bath

Time skip 10 minutes
I went out of the bathroom wearing the jacket with the same color pants

Time skip
I finished eating what I cooked and went straight to the soccer clubroom

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