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Our receiving drill instructors get us comfy in our humble abode.
We're introduced to our new racks, oh, did I mention our lingo?
For hats, beds, walls, food, floors and stairs,
Are now covers, racks, bulkheads, chow, decks and ladder wells.
Port holes, swabbing, star board side and port,
With weapons at issue, secured to the racks.
Unless your cable has gone missing in the gaggle of receiving!
The horror, not a useless item after all! I must confront the DI of my premonition of soon to come predicaments.
I shake and rattle in my boots, for it must be said.
I'm not alone for another recruit or 2 is in the same boat.
We're told we better find one, in other words, improv!
As this will become an essential skill, in this journey to becoming a marine.
Those nights were spent us scurrying about,
Red moon beams in hand as we square away "useless stuff" of all sorts.

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