Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I went to my room to find a nice dress to wear, but not five minutes later, I heard Seth's voice downstairs.

"You what!"

Oh Juno. Sugarcoating doesn't have a place in her dictionary.

I left my room and stepped downstairs to find my little brother pacing around the kitchen table. "Like, what the hell, Juno? Couldn't you give us a heads-up?"

Juno didn't seem fazed. At all. She was standing in the middle of the kitchen, following my brother with her gaze. "I'm giving you a couple of hours as a heads-up."

Seth froze on the spot, crossed his arms and glared at her. "Two hours? And then what? Mr. Gomez moves in? And are you having your wedding night here? Are you going away for the honeymoon?"

Shit. The wedding night!

"I think it's wonderful news, Juno. Congratulations," Bryan stepped closer to my grandmother and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, dear." She patted him on the back. "As for my honeymoon," she turned to Seth after pulling away, "I was hoping Chef Bryan could stay over for the weekend."


"We don't need a babysitter, Juno." I had to put down my foot here. My eyes narrowed as I glanced at my grandmother. She was clearly delusional. We were both adults. Almost. I was, anyway. I could take care of my brother.

Unless... she was doing her best to play matchmaker.

"I know you don't, Jessie dear, but I'd feel better knowing Bryan stayed here, just in case." She smiled innocently as I crossed my arms and glared at her. I'm not such a fool, Juno!

Bryan cleared his throat. "I wouldn't have a problem, Juno." His eyes slid to me. "If that's okay with everyone in the house."

Seth had stopped pacing. His mouth was completely open as he stared at our grandma and my boss. "Of course, you don't," he muttered under his breath but we all heard him.

"Oh my goodness, look at the time, you better go change kids. Not you Bryan, you look great." Juno gestured us to get moving before batting her eyelashes at Bryan.

I don't know who's more infatuated with him, her or me.

Seth pinched the bridge of his nose and stumped out of the room. My lips were pressed in a tight line as I glared at Juno, but I didn't want to ruin her wedding day, so I made my way to my room, too. I also had no idea wat to wear. My grandma's wedding was a special day.

As soon as I closed the door to my room, my brother's voice exploded behind me. "What the hell, Jessie? How can she do this to us!" He raised his hands, almost pulling out his hair.

"Seth, calm down."

"How the hell can I calm down! She's fucking getting married, and she didn't fucking tell us." He plopped on my bed glaring at the ceiling.

I stepped to the bed and sat beside him. "Maybe because we could over react like we're over reacting right now?" Seth groaned. I sighed. "Seth, if we're honest, if anyone deserves to be happy, it's her."

Seth's eyes cut to me. He pursed his lips. He knew I was right. "How are we going to live with that man?"

I patted him condescendingly on the shoulder. "Mr. Gomez is really nice."

He snorted. "You'll have to stop calling him Mr. Gomez."

My lips quirked up. "Yeah."

"And Juno is playing cupid with you?"

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