Part 29

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I spent the rest of the day in the hospital because they wanted to keep the twins over night and I didn't want to leave them so I spent the night sleeping on the couch while Ryan slept in the chair which is probably not all that comfortable. I took one more look at my three precious people in my life that I wouldn't give up if I was starring death in the face. I laid down and drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock blaring loud like a sirens. I sat up and turned it off. As I sat on the edge of my bed I realized that I wasn't in the hospital. I was in my old room I grew up in. I jolted up and ran down the stairs into the kitchen where my mother was making breakfast.

"Where is Ryan? Where are the twins?" I asked her franticly.

"What do you mean Marie?"

"You know! Ryan, my mate! The twins, Sky and Crystal, my children!" I yelled.

"Hunny I don't know what your talking about. You don't know a Ryan and you for sure don't have kids of your own." My mother said concerned as she walked towards me.

"Are you sure it wasn't all but just a dream?" She asked as she felt my forehead.

"It wasn't a dream! It was real. If anything this myst be a dream!" I screamed with anger as I slapped her hand away from my forehead.

"Im not sick!" I yelled.

I heard rushing feet no sets of feet running down the stairs. I turned to see the rest of my family that raised me without telling me the truth of what I really was.

"What on earth is going on down here?" My father demanded.

"Marie had a dream about having twins with a boy named Ryan." My mother said.

"It's real! Why won't you believe me!" I asked slash pleaded.

After that my parents submitted me to counseling but that didn't help any. Eventually they sent me to a place for teens who have 'mental problems'. I never left there after that. Years went by as I grew into an adult and what I thought was real started to seem more and more like a dream. I have completely given up on trying to get back home. Because home...home was just a dream. The wedding that was suppose to happen...a dream. Running a pack at my mate's side...all just a dream. I was defeated, exhausted, and forgotten. A few months had passed when I was sold to human traffickers. Apparently when people are here to long they sell them as slaves. But I didn't care, I didn't care what they would do to me. My first few nights were exhausting. I had to pull double duty in the kitchen and clean the whole house which seemed like a mansion. I always wondered if this is what the goddess had planned for me. That is if she actually exists. I was put in humiliating outfits by my so called 'master'. It was degrading my self esteem each time one of his bodyguards would holler at me or look me over as if I was there favorite food. And in one night, my world fell apart. I was called into the 'masters' office.

"You summoned me...master" I said and spit venom into the last word.

"Come here my child." He said with a sickening look in his eyes.

I did as he said. He got up and signaled for his men to leave.

"This way." He gestured to a door which I assume is his office.

But boy was I wrong. It was his bedroom. I felt hands on my waist and was quickly turned around and thrown onto the bed. He stripped me of my clothes as I screamed no. This is the one thing I will not let happen to me under any condition. Only Ryan can. He slapped me across the cheek hard he then entered me and I screamed. I screamed his name.

"RYAN!" I screamed.

An: hope you all liked this plot twisted chapter. But there is a good ending to it don't worry.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz