Chapter 23

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Her vision tunneled. Only the wolf running at her side kept her going, kept her pointed in the right direction.

There was a shout way behind her. Back where she'd been forced to leave Ben. Oh God, Ben.  All the things that could happen. All that would happen.

As if sensing her thoughts, the wolf growled and used his muzzle to push her faster. Harley's feet hit the ground hard as she sprinted through the trees. The road, she could see it through the tree line. And a bit further down, Ben's old Pontiac. She hit the road, the wolf close at her back. Protecting.

She clawed at the door and barely gave the wolf a chance to jump in before getting in herself. The fear was a real, solid brick in her chest . Her hands shook so bad it took her two tries before she could get her phone from her pocket.

They're right behind me. They're right behind me.

She hit redial.

Will picked up on the second ring. "You just can't get enough of--" he cut himself off when her sob echoed across the line. "Harley?"

"T-they're right behind me. Oh God, Will. They--they took Ben. They have Ben. I'm next. I'm--"

The wolf whined. He was on all fours, his front paws on one side of her legs, his back on her other, staring out the window. She had to pull back to have enough room to call Will.

"Where are you?" Will jumped immediately into battle mode. He shouted something off the line.

"Mason Street. In Ben's car. He--He--"

Will yelled the street name at someone. "Harley, focus. Let's focus on you. Do you have the keys?"

No. Ben had them. He'd stuck them into his pocket when they'd walked over. Why hadn't she grabbed them? Yet another reason she was going to die here. "No." The word came out watery. Wavy. The wolf whined again.

"Okay, you're going to have to hotwire the car."

"Will, I've never--"

"It's alright. Just follow my lead okay? Put the phone on speaker."

With shaky fingers she complied. Then set the phone on her thigh. "It's on."

"Find something pointy. Something sharp and strong."

She dug through the middle console like a mad woman. Receipts, spare change, duct tape, a manual. "Nothing. There's nothing but coins! Oh God."

"Check the glove box."

The wolf did not want to move over, but she pushed, ignoring his warning growl, and opened the glove box. Napkins. Bundles of napkins. And--yes! "I've got a Swiss Army Knife."

"Good. There's a plastic cover on the steering column. Right under the wheel. See it?"

Under the wolf? There was no way. "You need to move." She told the rogue.

The wolf bared his teeth. "Look, I don't know why you're here, but you have to work with me. Or we both die."


The wolf moved to the passenger seat and kept upright, still watching the line of trees. Which reminded her of the time. They were running out of it.

"I'm here." She had to unscrew two screws, but finally the thing popped open. "Will, we're running out of time."

"No we're not. Not if you keep a steady pace. Stay with me. Now, see the bundle of wires?"

Yes. There were so many.

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