Chapter 8: The Gumiho race

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The woman with nine fluffy tails and pointy cat-like ears who had just minutes before introduced herself as Yuikarie started to jump around Qiang and his companions. When she finally stopped her ears and tail disappeared.

"Hmm... I found this cave a few hours ago but couldn't go in because of the fire troll. Which one of you killed it?"(Yui/Yuikarie)

She looked around and her eyes stopped on Qiang.

"You, you are a player... Those looks like some special type of clothing... My guess is you."

"How is my clothing the proof... Nevermind... Yeah I killed it."(Qiang)

Qiang walked towards Yuikarie.

"My name is Qiang and the twins are Kuro and Shiro, the butler Sebastian and the maid..."


"...Yui. I can see that you are a player of the uncommon race Gumiho. It's no benefit for you to stay here. Everything is taken."

"Oh... But I met such a hunky hunk..."(Yui)

"Hunky Hunk?"(Qiang)

"Hmm, if there is truly nothing left as you say then let me follow you!"(Yui)

"Eh why should I let you follow me? And why you even ask?"(Qiang)

"Because you give of a nice aura!!"(Yui)

"That's no good reason."(Kuro)(Shiro)

"Aw pls!! I won't be in the way!! I promise!"(Yui)

"Sigh... Alright then..."(Qiang)

'Another stalker' (Qiang)

"I prefer not having this disgust... Ehm... not so good looking creature in my presence." *Cough**Cough* (Sebastian)

"You were about to say disgusting weren't you?!!" (Yui)

"I would be relieved if he liked you, you know... What a pain." (Qiang)

"Eeh?!! Don't tell me...?!!" (Yui)

"There is no way I would like anyone other than my Qian-tan!" (Sebastian)

Sebastian threw himself towards Qiang but hit the floor as Qiang dodged the attack.

"Qiang-kun..." (Yui)

"Yes?" (Qiang)

"I understand with what you mean with "What a pain."." (Yui)

She looks at Qiang with a face that told you "that figures" for some reason.

"Anyway let's get out of here. Well talk more about following me once we get to a town." (Qiang)

Qiang and the rest leaves the cave and they start walking through the dense forest towards the town. On the way Qiang tries out his new skill Thread mastery by using the trees to make a pathway only he can use. The thread he makes will immediately get destroyed once someone other than the master touches it.

"It's so cool that you can walk on air!" (Yui)

"He's not walking on air. He is walking on thread that he makes himself. Kind of like a spider I would say." (Sebastian)

"True, if people get to know that I have this ability they may start to call me Spiderman." (Qiang)

"At least you'll get the same name as a certain neighbourhood superhero." (Yui)

"You see that as positive?" (Qiang)


"I don't think so." (Qiang)

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