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Outside the Cullens, charlie and Renee stand on the steps of the porch out of the back while amiee and bella stand a good 10 ft away from each other on the grass. Joe is stood behind Amiee looking furious.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch with her!" Joe shouts at bella.

"Language!" Renee shouts

"She has to always come in and be the golden girl every single time, I couldn't stay in arizona because she wanted to stay with aunt helen and where she goes you go, so there was no room for me, as per usual"

"If I would have known, you could have stayed in arizona" amiee says

"Oh no that is to much of an inconvenience for you, putting yourself out to help your family"

"The amount of people she's beaten up for you when you where getting bullied, the amount of times she got you out of talking to boozy men at parties she used to take us to, if it weren't for her you wouldn't of had any friends in arizona!" Joe shouts

"Yeah well what about my 16th where she got absolutely  wasted and punched my date in the face!"

"Ha you stupid cow he tried to kiss her so she punched him it had nothing to do with her being wasted"

"Well whatever she's still a slut for getting pregnant!"

At that comment joe flies for bella but before joe can do anything amiee has tackled him to the floor and has him in an arm lock."how about....no!" Amiee shouts as joe let's out loud screams.

"Let go!"

"Are you gonna stop"


"Then I'm gonna break your arm, simple" she lifts her hips up further making him scream out more.

"I'll stop!"

"Promise!" Amiee shouts

"Promise!" And amiee let's go and Joe let's out a loud breath holding his arm. She hold out a hand to him and helps him up

"You okay, bro" amiee asks

"Yeah, why couldn't you do that to him" she punches him in his other arm and goes to walk back inside.

"What did he mean?" Bella asks looking shocked about what just happened.

"Denver's dad, he's not the nicest of guys" amiee says looking back at her sister.  Bella just gives her an inquisitive look. "its not the time for this right now we need to get ready for the wedding" amiee turns and walks through the Cullens and back to where her son is playing with Esme. Everyone looks at Joe who doesn't follow amiee.

"not my place to say" he says holding his hands up and going inside to find his sister. Bella just stands there looking shocked and confused about what has unfolded in front of her.

Bella goes back up stairs to finish getting ready and the Cullens go back into the living room. Amiee is sat with Denver playing peek-a-boo.

"ill look after him if you want to go and get dressed" jasper says, orders from Alice to make sure everyone is ready in the next hour.

"you sure he can be a handful with new people" amiee says picking Denver up and passing him to jasper. Jasper looks confused that the baby didn't start crying. Denver looks up at jasper and goes to grab his hair. "no" amiee says sternly and he stops in his tracks and amiee passes him an elephant teddy.

"you can get changed in my room, top of the stairs second on the left" amiee goes and grabs her bag and gives Denver a kiss on the cheek and goes upstairs.

Joe comes down the stairs in pants a white shirt and a grey waistcoat sorting out his red dress tie. Jasper is sat oh the sofa with Denver reading him a book he found in the dinosaur bag next to the door.

"he likes you" Joe says

"how do you know" jasper says

"he doesn't fall asleep on just anyone" Joe says going out of the front door and getting the pop up cot out of his aunts car and brings it back it the house. "can you put him in the cot, amiee will change his nappy when she comes down"

"will he not wake up"

"not likely amiee kept him awake on the plane so he would sleep through the day"

"what went on with amiee and Bella may I ask?" Jasper asks putting denver in the cot. He spots Rosalie and Esme looking at him with awe as he cares for the baby.

"I don't know my self just Bella doesn't like amiee cause of things that have happened in the past. Amiee used to be a party girl and Bella was quiet and had no friends, she used to be jealous of amiee but now I think its just hatred"

"that's enough Joe" amiee says at the top of the stairs, she is wearing a blue tea dress with Mary janes.

"you look mumsy" Joe says looking up at his sister.

"you look nice too Joe thank you" she says sarcastically. She waltzes down the stairs making her now curled hair bounce and jasper is mesmerized by her.

She goes over to the cot and stares down at her son, a smile only a mother could have creeps onto her face as she lifts him out of the cot carefully and lays him on a quilted blanket.

Joe gets the dinosaur bag and passes it to amiee. "you can do that while he's asleep?" Jasper asks

"he doesn't squirm when he's asleep and he doesn't wake up while I do it, I'm betting he will sleep till dinner time now" she says while changing his nappy and putting him a new set of clothes on. His baby suit looks like joes but with a blue bow tie to match amiee's dress.

"he looks so cute" emmet says walking in with a tux on. "Alice told me, to tell you, to get ready" he says to jasper as he goes up the stairs to his room.

 Bella's Hatred (Twilight Breaking Dawn Fanficton)Where stories live. Discover now