Right Course of Action?

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Asuna left the village. She was sworn to secrecy, but she didn't know if that was such a good idea. The people had a right to know. She was stalling as long as she could, in hopes that Kazuto might come out of nowhere. But she was met with disappointment, every time.

Hyme and Lazzari were growing impatient with her. They wanted her answer. They wanted to do something and they wanted to finally get it over with.

Hyme approached Asuna in the bush. "Times up. We need your answer. Yui or the world. Take your pick!"

It killed her, but she knew that Yui was the better option. She was just worried that something bad might happen to her. "Alright. I will talk to Yui."

Hyme smiled. "Good."

"Just know that if anything happens to her, I am holding you personally responsible!"

"Then we shall pray that it won't. I will see you in the lab, in an hour." Hyme left her and returned to the village.

Asuna returned to the village. She was approached by Kariza.

"What is troubling you, dear?" Kariza gestured for Asuna to take a seat next to her, on the front step.

"Have you ever had to decide whether to risk the wellbeing of your own child, for a greater purpose."

"I can't say that I have. You poor thing. It is no small thing... sacrifice... but sometimes it is necessary... It's not fair and it isn't right. There is no right option. You just have to chose. And that can be the hardest decision, you'll ever make. But I know you will make the right one." Kariza pulled her into a side hug.

Asuna leaned into her and started to cry. "It's not fair!... W-hy... does it have to be Yui....? I don't know what will happen to her... She might disappear... I'm so scared she will vanish or short out or something... I can't let it happen... I can't... Kirito..." What would he do?

Kariza slid a strand of hair from Asuna's face. "It will be alright. It has to."


Kazuto and Kazuli stumbled through the bush, until they heard a rustling.

Kazuto recognised it as evening patrol. "I am Kazuto Kirigaya. I have to speak with Hyme and Lazzari, immediately. Please permit me entry."

"Kirigaya. You are not welcome here. These are direct orders from Hyme." The guard spoke authoritatively.

"What?! No longer permitted? I am not leaving until I speak with Hyme. It is urgent."

The man clicked on his radio. "Hyme. He has returned and wants to speak to you, urgently. Shall I send him away?"

"You have your orders." Hyme's voice rung through the radio.

"I KNOW ABOUT YOUR PLAN TO KILL THE HUMAN RACE! YOU BASTARD! I CAN'T ALLOW YOU TO DO THIS!" Kazuto roared at Hyme, before being restrained by the guards. "Stop! He doesn't want to save them, he wants to kill them all!"

"A tree needs to be pruned to is all necessary." Hyme spoke solemnly.

Kazuli stood there strongly. "Hyme! This is no time for games! You need to get your head on straight and listen. I have a plan to avoid all this bloodshed."

"A plan from you, Kazuli, is not a plan worth hearing." Hyme retorted. "Get rid of them! By any means necessary!"

The men held their guns firmly, ready to fire.

Kazuto drew his swords and reacted just as quickly. He sliced the guns in half, with his swords. "Don't ignore me!" Kazuto put his sword to the man's throat. "All the sanctimonial bullshit, won't get you, your families back! We can avoid all of that!"

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