♪ Chapter 6 ♪

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A/N: Sorry guys, for the late chapter. I had so much of homework. I know its no excuse but I hope you guys can forgive me coz I'm studying Cambridge A-Levels. 😥 I literally come back at 6pm everyday and I sleep at 8. Im just so tired. Anyway, ENJOY THE CHAPTER AND ONCE AGAIN SORRY.


I woke up in the music room. I blinked and looked around. I had fell asleep somehwere around 4.30 am. I gathered myself and my book and left. I speed walked to my room where I threw the book back on the shelf and looked at the clock. It was 7.03 am. I ruahed to the bathroom and had my shower. I picked out a simple pair of leggings and a loose t-shirt and grabbed a water bottle.

I exited my room about half an hour later to see many other students walking about. Some turned to stare at me while others just ignored me. I locked my door and left towards the cafeteria. I would eat outside again. I bought a sandwich and walked to the training grounds while I ate.

I looked around, hoping to see Brian or Henry... or even my mate but I didn't see any of them. I ran over to a bench and sat down. A few minutes later, Henry came over and motioned for me to follow him. I ran up to him. "What are we doing today?" I asked.

"You. I am going to watch while you gain strength." He explained with a grin. I bit my lip, a telltale sign that showed I was nervous. "First, you're going to run about.. 5 laps? Then, we'll start doing push ups, sit ups etc." I nodded with a gulp. It was going to hurt once I was done. "I want you to finish running in 10 minutes. Remember, 5 laps." He added. "Now, Go!" He exclaimed and I took off.

Normally, it would take me 20 to 30 minutes to cross the whole area 5 times but I could try sprinting the whole way. Only thing was, I would get tired. Half way through the second round, my legs were burning and felt like jello. I was wobbly on my feet and my body ached everywhere. My right side hurt like a bitch and I was ready to collapse but I kept going. I slowed down but I never stopped.

On my third lap, I was bored so I decided to monitor my breathing. I concentrated on my little gasps of air. I remembered watching somewhere that to save energy when doing strenous activities, one should take smaller breaths more often than large gulps of air. Our strides should also be bigger so I tried to lengthten the distance between each stride but since I was only a miserable 5'3", it didn't really work.

During the last 100 meters, I pushed myself with all my might and sprinted all the way to Henry who was sitting happily on a bench while drinking coffee. I could smell it all the way. I immediately dropped before him on my butt. My feet were dead in front of me to the point where thwy were shaking. I gasped and panted for air as if I had been deprived. Henry looked at me in amusement while I tried to catch my breath.

"You okay?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head with a gasp. I couldn't say anything yet. Panting, I put up one hand before grabbing the water bottle he tossed at me. Greedily, I drank half the bottle. Water trickled down my chin and neck, wetting my loose t-shirt. I inhaled deeply and nodded. "I'm..... okay now..... I think?" I breathed out.

"Great! We can some push ups and sit ups now!" He clapped his hands and rubbed them. I wheezed. "By the way, you took half an hour on that run when normal wolves take around fifteen minutes. You're slow." Each word was like a stab to my heart. My wolf growled and whined. She wanted to be better.

"Normal wolves take 15... but why did you ask me to take 10?" I wheezed out. He chuckled darkly then shrugged. I felt like smacking him. I groaned and slowly got up.

"Walk around for a bit. I'll get the mats then I'll call you. Sitting right after would make the cramps worse." He answered, walking away. I watched him with a sigh. Stretching, I started to walk and pace aimlessly. Until I saw something... or rather someone.

Fate of A RejectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora