I might be in love

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So there is this girl named well we will refer to her as F she is beautiful smart funny everything that I won't be able to explain I have liked her for a long time but she was quiet and didn't talk much she knows I like her now but I don't think before we were friends she knew I liked her ALOT but I didn't know if she was u know gay then

But we became friends because she started dating my best friend who is a girl so I now I know she is gay and I was so happy but then I took a step back and relized she is still dating my best friend so I stepped back even more and said nothing and broke my heart to stay in the friend zone

But then sadly it was a good thing my best friend moved I know I was sad she left but I had a chance to date this girl I was clearly fawning over but did she like me

I don't know but I'll keep you posted

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