Chapter 9

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"Oh my God! Yeah! Right there! Ohhhhhhh Damn! That's so good baby" I covered her mouth to stop her from her moanin' out loud.

"Don't move too much babe!" Enrique scolded, as he massaged her shoulders.

"Sorry baby" she said cheekily, quickly grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him for a kiss.

I cringed in disgust and made gagging noises but they didn't stop, Instead, they began making out. Like literally full on making out. I heard them both moan and I had to look away. Ewww
It's just so disgusting to watch your two bestfriends eat each other's faces like there's no tomorrow. Like they literally kiss every 5 minutes.

"Ughhh" I groaned, grabbing a pillow and threw it at the smooching couple.

"Learn to grow up. I know you've done it with Nash And Xander" Enrique laughed, throwing the pillow back at me,but missed as I ducked down and hit someone from behind me.

I looked behind me and saw Dj looking furious.

uh oh. this is not gonna end well. I can feel it. The tension began to build and I took the opportunity to move to Nash's side, Xander following and towering over me like a hidden child behind a big tree. I turned back my attention to Enrique, worried.

"I'm not in the mood for games, scumbag" his eyes shoot daggers towards Enrique and the next thing I knew, Dj's body was floating above the floor, his arms struggling to get out from Enrique's tight grip onto his neck. I heard Liza gasp as Dj's breathing got heavier while his eyes flickering fast like he's about to pass out.

Enrique tightened his hands onto Dj's neck even more. My breath hitched and I didn't know what to do. Liza looked terrified and was about to pass out when Enrique's wolf spoke

"WHO YOU CALLING SCUMBAG, HUH?!" He roared looking him dead in the eye. Dj gasped for air and tried to pry Enrique's hands on his neck. "L-let m-m-e g-g-go" he tried pushing him, but failed, but then shockingly sent Enrique flying across the room.

 He crashed onto the glass table, an eerie sound filling the room. Liza was by his side in a blink of an eye, crying terribly by his side.  Dj was on the floor, trying to catch his breath, looking at his opponent dangerously and I was there by his side, rubbing his back to calm him down. 

"Dj, I need you to calm down" A nervous sigh escaped my lips as he fought with his inner wolf. A terrified gasp bursts from me as he pushed me away rather fast and strong, nearly crashing myself on the grand piano. luckily, Xander was by my side in seconds, Nash following.

A loud growl ripped through the tensed air making the ground shake and the lights flicker. The ground shook a little more until a deep growl came from my brother.

I clung myself to my mates, fear evident on my face as I try not to choke a sob.

he stood up and looked at all of us, it was scary but gets scarier when Dj's eyes are not his normal eyes anymore, instead it was just like blood.

dark red, his piercing eyes staring into my soul making me shiver in fright. His eyes quickly snapped to Liza as she choke a loud sob. I jump in absolute fright as he snarled at Liza's direction.

oh god. Dj's inner wolf has returned


Dj and Enrique both stood up quickly and in a heartbeat, their fists collided onto each other. I ran to Liza and pulled her away from their fight before we get bloody involved.

"PLEASE STOP!" Liza trashed around trying to pry off of my grip. I couldn't help but hug her like my life was depended on it. I was terribly shaking right now. I was too scared to step into their fight. yes, I am trained but not for this! this is what you call madness. Their fight was like in a movie scene where it gets so bloody and scary. 

before the both of them shift, two large bodies pried them off together. My mates. Xander was holding Enrique in a headlock while Nash was holding Dj's arms behind Dj's.

A moment of silence passed by with heavy breathings and tears.

before I could utter a word, my parents busts through the door along with some pack warriors

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?!" I cringed at my father's death-defying shout. I walk beside mom trying to calm my heart. I looked at dad who was both scolding my brother and my bestfriend. I sighed and rubbed my hands together. I looked at mom and her face was deep in thought, until she turned to me "You know your uncle Rick and your dad are just like the two of them" I furrowed my eyebrows together in confuson

"What about them?" I looked at my mates and they were focused on helping the two morons. Both of them looke up at me smiled then nodded before tending to their bruises before mom spoke "We'll continue this conversation next time. Your dad's heading our way" She looked behnd me and I followed her, turning my drection and saw my dad approaching us, his face crunched up in anger and annoyance. 



HELLO GUYSSSSS. how are you???Long time no writing. I have a lot of things in my mind that I have to focus on okay. I just want to apologize cause I kept you waiting but the truth is I'm not me anymore. I fell into depression and all shit caused me and made me crazy like I can't control me anymore. I don't know who I am and I'm scared that I might do something that I'll probably regret. I know I need help but I just can't. I'm scared no I'm terrified. so to all of you I apologize profusely and please understand what I am going through, BUT don't worry, I'm still gonna write and update for all of you. THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT ILY <3 

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