The Chase

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I was sore from all the events that occurred last night.

I was laying on Ace's chest listening to his heart beat. I started smiling when I realized that he is now my man.

His eyes opened and looked down at me.

"Morning." I smiled showing my dimple.

"Mornin'. You had fun last night?"

"Hell yea." I smirked.

He chuckled. "You want Waffle House?" He asked.

"Yes please."

"Alright. I'm gonna go run and get it." He put his sweat pants on.




As I got into my car I felt my phone vibrating like hell.

I looked to see who was blowing me up and I noticed it was Cam. I sighed and just put my phone down. I don't have time for her right now.

I drove to Waffle House and then got a call from Pepper.

I sighed and answered.


"Cam wants you to call her."

"What the hell does she want?"

"Don't know."

I hung up my phone. Whatever she wanted could wait.


When I got back home I saw Lauren in the kitchen sweeping and listening to Beyoncé.

"You in yo' feelings?" I said and smacked her ass.

"Ouch. And no. I like to listen to her music while I clean."

"Mhm. Here your food."

"Thanks baby." She was leaning in to give me a kiss until the doorbell started ringing.

"Damnit. Somebody always at my house." I said walking to the door.

The door opened and Cam stood there.

"I have been blowing your fucking phone up Antwan!" She yelled out of breath.

"Bitch what the hell is wrong with you!?"

Cam looked at Lauren then pulled me outside.

"Listen." Cam whispered then pushed her hair out her face. "I know where AJ and Tisha are."

"You do? WHERE!?"

"Shhh." She said looking around. "Listen, we need to get on a plane and fly to New York, and then I will explain."

I paced back and forth outside the house. Words can't even explain how mad I am.

"Ace! Did you hear me!? We need to go! The next plane to New York leaves in a hour."

"Alright, alright, alright. Wait out here while I talk to Lauren."

Cam nodded and I walked back in the house.

"Every thing okay?" Lauren said concerned.

I sighed and ran my hand down my face.

"Nah. I'm about to go to New York and I don't know when I'm gonna be back."

Lauren looked down disappointed.

I grabbed her hands. "I know we just got together and everything-"

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