Chapter 8

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We left the street and started walking up the main walkway to the entrance of the pack house. The big double doors ahead looked inviting, although I was nervous about meeting the Luna. I was a rogue - and a runt to boot. I was worried about being turned away once more, and this time, I would be in an unfamiliar area with no real resources or supplies that I had built up at my previous location.

The gentle breeze brought the scents of the lilacs and jasmine to my nose, with a strange undertone. I took a deeper breath, I had never smelled that scent before. I wondered which tree or plant it was. It reminded me of the rich smell of the deepest parts of the forest on cool nights. The scent practically demanded attention.

A runt I may be; but slow of wit, I was not. Scents of the forest could not demand attention in a rogue. I stopped dead in my tracks as I gazed at the door in complete disbelief. My disbelief swiftly turned to unease and worry as I realized that I was not mistaken.

The four walking with me were startled by my sudden stop. Andy took one look at my expression and noticed my sudden tension before speaking in a worried tone, "Jade, is something wrong?"

At the moment, my oldest and strongest fears were at the front of my mind. It was said that runts rarely, if ever, got mates. And those that did would be rejected since quite a few regular werewolves would not want a runt as a mate. Wolves were often prideful creatures, and to be paired with a weak runt was a huge blow to both their personal and family pride, and most would simply not accept that. My biggest fear was to find my mate, only to have him reject me.

I didn't remove my eyes from the closed doors as my mind whirled around the lingering shock of actually locating my mate. My quiet voice was slightly shaking as I admitted my fears. "I can smell my mate, and I am scared that he will reject me. I don't think I could take that kind of pain."

Rejection was a terrible fate, and I knew it wasn't an exaggeration or something you could just shake off since I had met a few who had been rejected. I had been able to sense the pain of their shattered heart, as well as feel the scars on their soul that had forever changed them, even years or decades after the event. The pain of rejection was excruciating, and it drove many to suicide or reduced them to ferals. I had no desire to even contemplate going through such pain.

The four looked absolutely stunned, probably never imagining that my mate might be in their pack. I was highly tempted to run for the hills as opposed to risking such pain, but the temptation of finding my soul's other half kept my feet from moving. That tiny bubble of hope kept me from fleeing, at least for the moment.

The scent was mesmerizing; although, until I actually looked my mate in the eyes, it was possible for me to turn around and leave to avoid the pain of rejection. I glanced at the four around me, checking their reactions.

All four had a vacant look to their eyes indicating that there was an intense mindlink discussion occurring. I could sense movement inside the house as three of the people were heading out the back door while the rest gathered in a large room not far from the front door.

Bruce turned to me, meeting my eyes as he said, "I mindlinked the people inside. There are several who don't have a mate yet. Anyone with possible thoughts about rejecting you have left the house through a different exit. The rest are waiting eagerly. They do know you are a runt and are currently a rogue, and it doesn't bother any of them."

I examined his expression carefully. He was telling the truth and had likely closely questioned each eligible wolf inside. He was close enough to me that I could also tell he was irritated or unhappy with those who had left. I nodded and looked at the doors with trepidation.

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