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He gazed into your eyes deeply, foreheads touching.

"I miss you. Don't leave me anymore." He whispered.

Just to be able to let out those words, somehow made all of his worries, troubles and problems disappeared. None of that mattered anymore to him at that moment.

He pulled his another hand out and locked the door.

Jungkook had a lot of things he wanted to say to you and he was ready, until the door suddenly opened in a harsh way that made you landed on him as you got pushed by the door. He quickly caught you by wrapping one arm around your waist.

He looked up to curse on the person who ruined his precious moment, only to see Jimin's blank face staring at the two of you.

"Oops. Sorry. Wrong room." He awkwardly laughed before closing the door back.

"Wait, I thought I've locked it." Jungkook furrowed his brows, feeling puzzled before checking on the door.

"It's broken, I guess." You said.

"Aish, but my plan..." he mumbled then turned his head to you to see if you heard what he said just now.

"What plan?" You eyed him.

Jungkook sheepishly smiled before shaking his head, "Nothing."


"Why are you still here? You should be sleeping at the outside right now." You sighed while lying in the bed with your back facing him.

"Married couple should sleep together." He replied, followed with laughter.

There was a big bolster being placed between you two and he had to admit, that he hated it.

"You said that you don't need me, so why did you follow me to here?"

"Of course I need you." Jungkook quickly answered, which made you fluttered. But then he continued,

"I need you to cook for me, wash my clothes, and many more."

Once he said that, your mood dropped drastically.

"Why don't you just ask Gayeon to do all those for you?" You scoffed, trying to sound as annoyed as possible. He changed real quick.

Jungkook began to stare at your back but the big, damn bolster kinda blocked his view. So he grabbed the bolster and then kicked it off of the bed. After that, he rolled his body towards you and stopped when his nose almost touched your head.

"I saw you walking into the hotel with Taehyung last night..."

"Before you accuse me for cheating on you again, Taehyung slept in his car last night." You stated.

A glad smile crept up on his face hearing your statement. That's what he wanted to hear.

"Anyways, Taehee. I think I—"

Out of the blue, the sounds of your ringing phone echoed across the room.

You quickly snatched the phone that was on the nightstand and looked at the phone screen to check on the caller. It turned out be your mom. Before answering her call, you prayed for a few seconds, hoping not to hear any bad news from her.

"What's wrong, eomma?" You nervously asked while sitting up.

Jungkook began to imitate your action and sat up. He leaned his ear to the phone to listen along with you. What your mom said the next thing, left both of you completely speechless.

"He's dead."

The atmosphere turned dull in an instant. Your hands trembled, heart raced wildly and you felt breathless. You were mentally and physically not prepared for any death news.

"W-w-who is dead? Please don't tell me.." you bit your lower lip, trying to hold in your tears from coming out.

Seeing your worried face, Jungkook began to wrap your other hand with his, ready to comfort you.

"Makmoon is dead." She said and made you two speechless once again but this time, in confusion.

"Who is Makmoon?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm watching a drama right now. Didn't expect that he would die right when I'm calling you." She laughed.

At that moment, you didn't know whether to get mad or just laugh at it because Jungkook was already laughing in silent by your side.

"By the way, the doctor said that your dad can go home in two days." She said, forming a glad smile on your lips.


"Yeah. Can you cook something special for him when he returns? He would be very happy."

"Of course. I'll buy the ingredients tomorrow. Okay, bye." You hung up and sighed in relief.

"Are we going out for a date tomorrow?" Jungkook asked, looking somehow excited.

"Who says I'm bringing you along?" You rolled your eyes, before lying back to sleep.

Jungkook secretly scoffed and did the same as you. Soon, both drifted off to dream. Since you moved around quite a lot in your sleep, you ended up sleeping in his arms for the whole night.

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