Chapter Fifteen

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Belle mentally replayed the events that had happened after Kaiden fell to the floor.


Sebastian lifted Kaiden up from the floor, and despite having just been thrown around, carried him around with ease. With Kaiden's arm around his shoulder, Sebastian held him up while Belle tried to find a place for him to rest.

Since Kaiden's room was an utter mess, they needed to find another place to lay Kaiden down.

But while they were navigating the halls, her mind was still scrambling about the altercation, especially how Kai tried to avoid hurting her. That taunt of hers had been nothing but bluff, since she was trying to get him to take some time to think about it, possibly mellowing him out. But based on his expression, he had agreed with her. Then later, she realized it was true.

The last time she had been graced by Kai's presence, she had been shoved to the wall, but she hadn't been hit by him. And the time before that, he let her push him away, when he could have retaliated.

She still thought about it while they entered the other room, which Belle later discovered was Sebastian's. It seemed like a mirror image of Kaiden's room, if it had been left intact and untouched for years.

Belle followed Sebastian to the bed, where she assumed Kaiden was going to be placed on. As soon as Sebastian dumped Kaiden onto the bed and rolled him over so that he would face up, he turned around to face Belle.

Based on his expression, she knew it was going to be something about what had just happened in the other room. Her suspicions were confirmed when he gently grabbed her by the arm and took her out to the hallway. She let him bring her out, to avoid disturbing Kaiden.

"Do you know what happened to him?" Sebastian asked after letting her go and facing her. Somehow, even in the empty hallway, it felt like someone could easily overhear everything.

Belle fidgeted a little, not sure if she should be the one to tell him. But considering the tension between the brothers, Belle decided to tell him what she knew, since Kaiden probably wasn't planning to tell him. Besides, Sebastian should probably know some information so that he could possibly protect himself.

"As far as I know, he was cursed by a witch to have a dual personality. Based on past experiences, when he gets really mad, he'll change into Kai, who has superhuman abilities," Belle answered, summarizing what she knew. Sebastian didn't look too surprised, but he still looked puzzled.

But the confusion quickly left his face as it appeared that he figured something out.

"Figures. Of course that would happen," he muttered under his breath. Belle was slightly confused. Did he think that it was that predictable?

"What did you say?" Belle asked, watching Sebastian snap his head up.

"Did I say that out loud?" he asked, looking a little bashful even though Belle could see a hint of panic in his eyes, as if he didn't mean to have said that.

"Don't mind me, darling, I was mumbling nonsense," he said with a grin. And there was his nickname for her, taking her mind off her question and confusion.

"Didn't I tell you to not call me darling?" Belle felt like scowling, which made his grin bigger since he could see the temptation to do so. It wasn't the fact that he was calling her darling, although that was strange too, but the fact that he had ignored her request to stop calling her that.

"Yes you did, but I don't have to listen to you," he replied cheekily, still grinning at her. This time, Belle gave him a look of irritation, although she sort of felt like blushing at the same time. His smile was so similar to Kaiden's...

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