Destiny made the Suggestion... but I made it Happen ~ Part 4

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Chapter Four

~ Believe Me ~

"Dammit girl! You're making a huge mistake!" Andreas grabbed my arm; I whipped to look at him.


"What's your name?" He asked gently.

"Elise Pelletier," I told him quietly. Could I trust him? I nodded to myself. He was my best chance. "But... when I come with you, um, chose a name for me, now please!" I told him urgently. He looked utterly confused, then mad.

"When you come with us? That's not going to happen, so don't even think about it!" Andreas whispered angrily. I sighed in exasperation.

"Look, what would you have thought my name were if you didn't already know?" I looked into his eyes - his brilliant dark blue eyes... weird, being Mexican and all... beautiful really.

"How the hell would I know?!" He glared at me. "Why do you want to know that anyways? Don't you have anything else to think about at a time like this?" He asked frustrated.

"Because I don't trust them," I said simply.

"Yet you trust me?" Andreas asked incredulously.

"Damn! Just forget it!" I told him. I walked towards that gang that was talking. "Hey!" I said calling their attention. They all shut up and stared at me. One girl with long dark brown hair - almost black - and dark brown eyes, looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "Yo, can I jack a ride to San Diego with you guys?" Okay, I totally didn't even come close to talking slang normally, but when a situation calls, well...

"Waz your name bitch?" The girl asked, her long hair falling to her waist. I smirked.

"What's yours?" I asked. She glared at me, but I stared at back, raising an eyebrow.

"Rachel!" She said frustrated, after a moment.

"Nice, well, I'm Caprice," I told. I thought I might be able to pull that name off...

"What's your last name sister?" She asked, a bit nicer now.

"Moore. Caprice Moore." I told her. I smirked. I liked it. If my parents went looking for me I'd change it to that... "What bout you?" I asked her.

"Evens. Rachel Evens." She said. "Are you just taking the ride, or actually joining...?" She asked me and I contemplated.

"Well, I'll just get the ride and if you want me to do anything as, well, a payment I guess, just ask," I said, hopefully hiding my nervousness.

"Kay, trust me, we'll think of somethin'" Rachel said.

"Oh, and by the way, I think I have the perfect car if looks don't come in to much..." I said, smirking.

"Oh, and where would this car be?" Lucas asked as if he didn't believe me. I glared at him.

"You need 8 seats, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Technically, we only need 7, because, well, we don't care where you go, bitch!" Lucas snarled.

"Whateva' I've gotta car for 8, but it ain't the prettiest thing..." I grimaced a bit at the memories.

"Describe it," Rachel said.

"Dark green from the out side. A Toyota I think... Tinted widows. Black cotton interior - " I heard Lucas snort at the 'cotton' description. "Gotta problem?" I asked. "Coz it ain't easy finding a car for 8 here," I told him. "Anyways! And its got two rows of three in the back and two front seats." I finished.

"Jerome's driving," Rachel said before anyone else could say anything. She looked at me. "He's 23 and actually has his proper license," She told me. She pointed to a tiered looking guy wearing cut off jeans and a leather jacket over his bare chest. He had chocolate brown eyes and light brown hair with a tint of red. I nodded, not caring. As long as he didn't crash the car... I smirked.

"Where?" Lucas asked again, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, confused. He sighed in exasperation.

"Where IS this car?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, not far from here... I can walk you guys there." I thought about how long it took me to get here. It felt like 10 minutes, but I bet it'd take over half an hour to get there... "It'll take about 40 minutes to walk though..." I told them.

"We'll run." Lucas said, and then smiled. "Unless YOU have an issue with that...?" He asked it as if he wanted me to be weak and back down.

"Nope." I said, smirking at his frown. "Why? Do you?" I asked slyly. He glared at me, his eyes taking on the same evil glint as when he had chocked me, and suddenly I was scared. But I didn't let it show.

"No!" He said fiercely. I nodded.

"Okay." I told him.

"But I'm sitting in the front with Jerome - and Caprice," He said, sneering my name. "Can sit in the back, all alone..." He said, looking sorry... in a fake way. I smiled at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, I'll sit with her," Rachel said, linking her right arm to my left.

"Me too," Andreas said. I started walking in the direction I had originally come from. Andreas walked close beside me, so that I could feel his body heat, making my whole right side tingle slightly.

"And just how do you know that this car will be easy to steal?" A girl asked. I looked over my shoulder. She had short black hair in a bob cut and bright blue eyes. She had a fierce expression on, but it only made her look cute.

"Alice," Rachel whispered. I nodded.

"Because I do..." I answered her, smirking. She glared.

"Rachel, we don't know her - this could be a trap!" She warned. I raised an eyebrow. "Anyways, how do you know we wont get caught?" She challenged me. I chuckled.

"Because, I have the keys..." I said, jingling them in the air over my head as I heard the others gasp. "I'm so glad I wore this coat today..." I smirked to myself.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 09, 2010 ⏰

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