Chapter Twenty-Four

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- its midnight again oops im so sorry. this is unedited but i'll edit after school tomorrow! how do you guys think jack and jack/shawn will react when they hear the news? -

I bit my nails as I looked at the four tests that rested on top of their boxes. Madison sat beside me, holding my hand and speaking words of encouragement.

"It'll be fine."

"You'll figure this all out."

"You'd be a great mother and Shawn would be a great dad."

"Maybe you're just panicking over nothing."

I took a deep breath and the timer on my phone sounded. I picked it up, seeing fifteen minutes passed since I took them. My heart was hammering against my chest, and I was reluctant to get up.

"Go on. Go look." She urged and I bit my bottom lip. "Monica-"

"Okay okay okay. I'm going." I told her and she let go of my hand. I stood up and then went to the desk they rested on.

I reached for the first test, the beat of my heart only going faster as I saw a small '+' on it. I covered my mouth as tears filled my eyes, my free hand reaching for the second, the third, and then finally the fourth.


"Monica? Well what do they say?" Madison said and jumped off of the bed, grabbing my hand and looking at the test. "Oh my god..."

"They're-They're all positive Mads." I said and she gave me a hug. "I'm pregnant." I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.

"That's wonderful! You're going to be a mom!" She said and I shook my head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm eighteen!" I reminded her, setting the test down. "Madison I'm eighteen years old and have no money, no job, no car, and as of now, no house or apartment! I'm literally depending on everyone for everything! I can't have a kid!"

"Shh." She said and I held on to her jacket. "It's okay. We're all willing to help. We told you not to feel bad for staying with us! We're more than happy to have you here alright? Calm down. All of your 'problems' are just temporary."

"I'm going to be such a bad mom Madison. I can't even take care of myself!" I cried and there was a knock on the door as I sobbed into her shirt.

"No don't say that. You'll be fine. Look, we'll find you a job and you can save money for a better apartment, one without a shitty land lord." She told me and I shook my head.

"I'm scared to leave the house Mads, how am I supposed to get a job?" I asked and she rubbed my back. "I can't have a baby." I told her as another knock sounded at the door.

"Before you decide that... before you decide anything, you need to tell Shawn." She said and I nodded, gasping as I pulled away from her. "You need to."


"Get a plane ticket to wherever he is and talk to him. Don't you dare do it over the phone." She said and I nodded. "After you get his say, then you both decide what will happen."

"I need to tell KiKi." I whispered and then covered my mouth. "She's going to kill me." I told her and she shook her head.

"No babe she won't. I promise. Just calm down." She said and there was another knock on the door. "What?" She snapped and walked up to it, ripping it open.

"Woah there, what's going on? We heard crying and screaming..." JJ told us, holding his armz up as he and G stood by the door. "Maloley and Wilkinson is downstairs, it's just us two."

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