chapter nine

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Mrs. Jackson happened to be walking near the restroom when she heard Alice scream. She rushed in the bathroom's direction; she could still hear Alice screaming in terror. She took a turn down a hallway and entered the fifth door on the right. Once she entered, her stomach twisted into a knot. She almost felt like she could vomit.

         She saw Ms. Wellsworth's decapitated body, lying in a pool of fresh warm blood. "Oh my god," she muttered. She saw the old teacher's head a few feet away, and the blood splattered upon the wall's and mirrors. Mrs. Jackson turned to see Alice, cowering in a corner soaked in Ms. Wellsworth's blood. Horror consumed her. She screamed in terror as Alice did. The sight of gallons of blood made her gag. Ms. Wellsworth's body was now pale as death; no more blood inside her. The girls restroom was now a bloody slaughter house.

          "I-I got in trouble," Alice started, her voice tremulous from sobbing. "Ms. W-Wellsworth brought me in here, but then...some one came in and brutally killed her. The killer didn't harm me because I was hiding."

          Poor girl! Mrs. Jackson thought. Alice looked completely terrified. She rushed over and knelt beside trembling, blood drenched Alice. "Come," she said, "we're taking you to the nurse."

         "B-but I am not hurt," Alice said.

         "Still," Mrs. Jackson insisted. She felt in was absolutely necessary to make sure Alice was one hundred percent okay.

         Mrs. Jackson held Alice's hand, gently leading her to the nurse. She walked past a maid, who screamed at the sight of Alice, who was covered in blood.

          "Call the police," said Mrs. Jackson, "now!"

          The maid ran off, doing as her manager commanded her.

          What the hell happened? Mrs. Jackson wondered as she led Alice. The girl said a killer came in, but how could he or she get in undetected? was it a coincidence that the murderer happened to attack when Alice was alone with Ms. Wellsworth? Then Mrs. Jackson thought of something spine tingling. Could Alice have killed her? If she did, how? there was no knife, but one of the mirrors was shattered. Alice could have used a shard of glass to viciously cut Ms. Wellsworth's head off. This was truly horrifying. If Alice wasn't the killer, who was? And where would the next attack happen, and when? Mrs. Jackson made a mental note to put guards in every hall and room, just to make sure every one was ok. Then again, if the killer got past hundreds of children and maids unnoticed, he or she could possibly get past the guards.

         Mrs. Jackson burst into the Nurse room with Alice at her side. The female doctor screamed in horror as she saw blood-covered Alice.

         "Get some stress medicine and give this girl a check up. Now!" Mrs. Jackson ordered, the maid running off to the Medical cabinets.

         Mrs, Jackson helped Alice onto a small little bed, and held her hand tight. "Are you feeling woozy? or sick to the stomach?" she asked.

         Alice nodded. Her face was pale and she seemed to be sick in a way. "I feel...feel s-sick," she whimpered.

         Mrs. Jackson put her hand on Alice's forehead. It was sweaty and unusually hot.

         Mrs. Jackson cursed under her breath.  She let go of Alice's shaking hand, and rushed into the Medical storage room, where the nurse was searching for bottles of pills and medical liquids. "Alice said she feels sick, and her head is really hot," she said.

          The Nurse nodded, and went from cabinet to cabinet,  and shelf to shelf, grabbing many different medicines.

            After a few minutes, the Nurse followed by Mrs. Jackson went up to Alice, and picked up a needle from a table of tools. She stuck it into a bottle of medicine, and sucked up some clear liquid. She removed the needle from the bottle and slowly injected it into Alice's upper arm. "This will calm her down," the Nurse said.

            Suddenly, Mrs. Jackson noticed a bloody spot on Alice's shirt. It was still fresh and red, while Ms. Wellsworths was darker and dry. It was below the ribs, near the waist. Mrs. Jackson lift up a section of Alice's shirt, not revealing anymore than her waist. Mrs. Jackson yelped, seeing that a piece of glass the size of a child's hand had penetrated  her flesh. She looked up at the Nurse, fear swelling inside. "Get bandages," she said.

Alice lay in her bed, alone in the Fifth grader's room. She was bandaged from the waist up, and all cleaned up.  She felt woozy and in shock of her horrifying event. It was still day, but Alice felt she was trapped in a world of night. A draft came in from a crack in the window, but the heat from the vents prevented Alice from shivering.  While she lay there, she heard a demonic voice of a old woman speak in her mind.

        One dead, many to go. You, Alice, will shed more innocent blood more sooner than you know. Its voice sounded shriveled, cold and dead. Like a demon from the fires of hell.

         "No!" Alice yelled, reaching her hands up, pulling her hair. "No! I will not! Leave me alone!"

         Then, Alice was inundated with horrifying visions of herself killing. She had sudden glimpses of her murdering Ms. Wellsworth. She saw the blood splatter on the mirror, and her head rolling away. She felt the blood of the old woman soak her once again, and the warmth sending chills up her spine. Alice switched to another terrifying vision, and this time, she saw Ms. Wellsworth's decapitated body rise from the blood soaked floor. Alice tried to scream, but she couldn't. She was in a nightmare when she was wide awake. She saw Ms. Wellsworth's body rush towards her, and her pale hands grip her neck. Alice felt her windpipe collapse. Ms. Wellsworth's body was strangling Alice to death in a happening that didn't exist. It felt so realistic. She felt the pressure in her throat. Then she began to taste something, disgusting and bitter in her mouth. She felt her lungs burst. She felt like someone lit a match, right in the center of her chest. Then, she saw the black, shadowy head of the demon that possessed her appear on Ms. Wellsworth's neck. The mouth of the demon yawned wide, and shrieked in Alice's face. Alice felt herself scream, but she couldn't hear herself over the shrill of the demon. Then, the last thing she felt before snapping back into reality, was cold.

         Alice screamed in terror. The visions of horror were now gone, but Alice felt like she was still in it. "NO!" she screamed. "No no no!!"

         Suddenly, she saw Sarah rush into the room. Sarah ran to Alice's bed and knelt beside it. "Alice!" she yelled. "Are you okay?"

          Alice didn't answer right away. She just leaned over and hugged Sarah tight. "I-I still see," Alice sobbed. "I-I see Ms. Wellsworth's body trying to kill me; I still feel the blood on my skin."

           "Shh," Sarah said, caressing Alice's back. "It's ok, I am here. Mrs. Jackson told me what happened. I will stay right here."

           Alice still had her best friend in a tight hug. She squeezed her shoulders, and ran her fingers through her soft hair. "Will you stay with me until dinner?" Alice whimpered.

           Sarah removed herself from Alice, and pet her cheek. "Of course," she said.

            Alice curled up in her blankets, and asked Sarah to read her The Fellowship of the Ring. Sarah obliged, and read to Alice until she fell asleep.

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