The Team vs. Superboy

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Hi, everyone!  I've really been getting through to these chapters now haven't I.  Well, this chapter should be interesting, since that Superboy, a kryptonian, is vulnerable to magic/magecraft, something Shirou uses.  I hope you enjoy!

You know what is needed for a disclaimer.

As the four teens moved on from the hallway filled will various creatures, they found themselves in a new room.

"Okay," Robin said.  "I'm officially whelmed."

On their left and right, more creatures were kept locked in glass cylinders, giving off electricity to provide to some sort of generator.  The creatures had an insect appearance.  

"This is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world," Kid Flash realized.  "The real Cadmus isn't on the grid.  It generates its own power with these things.  Must be what they're bred for."

"Even the name is a clue," Shirou said.  "The Cadmus of myth created life by sowing dragons' teeth into the Earth."

The three heroes looked at their new friend strangely, causing him to blush.

"What?" Shirou asked.  "I'm good with mythology."

"Anyways," Robin said.  "this Cadmus creates life, too."

He walked towards a computer terminal.  "Let's find out why."  Again, the holographic computer was displayed.  Robin began hacking into Cadmus's database to find out more information.

"They call them Genomorphs," Robin said.  Then he looked at the data surprised.  "Whoa!  Look at the stats on these things: super strength, telepathy, razor claws.  These are living weapons!"

"They're engineering an army," Kid Flash surmised.  "but for who?"

Robin looked at the computer funny.  "Wait," he declared.  "There's something else.  Project Kr.  Ugh!  The file's triple-encrypted.  I can't-"

"Don't move!" a voice came from their left.

A man wearing blue and wearing a golden helmet.  He donned a golden shield and had another strange creature on his shoulder.  As he ran in, other gray creatures, much larger than the one before, also ran in.

The man stopped, surprised.  "Wait.  Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?  And, sorry I don't know your name.

"At least he got your name right," Shirou joked.

"Shut up," Kid Flash snapped.  "You haven't known me long enough to make that remark."

"I know you," Aqualad said, ignoring the previous comments.  "Guardian, a hero."

"I do my best," Guardian said.

"Then," Shirou said.  "what are you doing here?"

"I''m chief of security.  You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League to figure this out."

Wally glared.  "You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?"

Guardian looked surprised.  "Weapons?  What are you- What have I- Ugh.  My head."

The hero began to look confused, but as soon as the Genomorph looked at him, he rubbed his head.  He then looked at the heroes angry.

"Take them down hard!" he shouted.  "No mercy!"

The genomorphs jumped at the heroes.  Robin sent the smoke bombs and used a grappling hook to dodge the artificial life forms.  Kid Flash used his speed to narrowly evade attacks.  Shirou was able to knock Guardian out, after disarming him with Kanshou and Bakuya.  Aqualad was having trouble, having less agility than the rest of them.  Luckily, Shirou was able to knock the genomorphs away.  He then used a combination of Time manipulation sorcery and the Einzbern wishing sorcery trait to slow the flow of time around them, slowing the genomorphs down.  Shirou picked up Aqualad and used a reinforced jump to escape.

Young (Hero of) Justice (A Young Justice and Fate Stay Night crossover)  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now