Myths and Logic

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~A T H E N A~

I wake up with the sun shining on my face, yawning and roll over to get a look at the time on my alarm clock. I get out of bed and stretch my limbs out before getting up to use the bathroom.

Moving at a slow pace, I change into a black pencil skirt and a white crop top sweater with matching white converse. Since having a good amount of time I decide to style my hair into a messy bun before going downstairs to be greeted by my mother.

"Good morning, you're up early for a Monday." She greets putting her cup of coffee down.

"Yeah, I had lots of sleep yesterday, when did you get in last night?" My eyes follow her movements to the stove.

"Around eleven-thirty." She responds while cracking three eggs.

Frowning at her answer I walk to the refrigerator for bottled water.

"You usually get home around ten, where did you go?" I turn towards her after pulling my water out of the fridge, she stiffens as if she is caught.

She's hiding something.

"Well if you must know everything, I went into town with some co-workers to get a bite to eat." Her response is calm giving me no reason to think she telling anything other than the truth.

I stand against the counter watching my mom scrambled eggs as it was the most interesting thing in the world.

She's hiding something and I'm going to find out what, mom isn't social enough to spend her free time with co-workers.

After a few minutes, I watch as she plates the eggs and hands it over to me, I take them gratefully with a thank you. As I'm about to ask her about work she leaves the kitchen before I get the chance.

I eat while thinking as to what she could be hiding from me, we tell each other everything. Getting caught up in my thoughts it's time for me to start leaving for school before I know it.

I grab everything I need before leaving out of the door, "Bye mom." I shout not waiting for an answer.




I make it to school with ten minutes to spare, I text Jas to see where is at only getting a reply of 'pulling up'. I wait in the parking lot as I scroll through my phone for something to past the time.

"Hey." I look up to Jasmine who has a grim expression.

"Hey, is someone still sulking?" I tease tucking my phone into my backpack since not having any pockets on my skirt.

Jasmine rolls her eyes, "I'm never going to a party with you again, bad things happen."

Shaking my head at her logic I laugh knowing she's going to get mad, "Well you know what they say, drinking brings out your feelings, maybe you do have a thing for Lawrence." I try to tell her seriously but fail.

Jasmine's eyes widen slightly before narrowing them down at me into a glare, "Don't even start."

Laughing Jasmine turns and heads into school trying to leave me but I follow her as she stomps away like a child. Just when we get past the school doors the bell for the first period rings in my ear.

Biding a not so happy Jasmine goodbye I find myself slowly walking to first period where I will no doubt see Kaden.

I don't know if I'm upset about the whole thing, maybe disappointed because I hoped he had the same feelings I did and embarrassed for putting myself out there then getting completely ignored.

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