Chapter 12

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'What was all that about?'Sharon suddenly asked. They were in Cameron's car, on the way to the therapist's office. There had been an uncomfortable silence in the beginning. Cameron was sure they had been reliving the intimate moment they shared.

Cameron could almost taste her lips, they had been soo close. He remembered seeing the smatter of freckles across her cheeks and wondered whether she had any more of those on her body. He wanted to find all of them and kiss them. Taste them. Everywhere. No matter where they are.

He had to stop his line of thoughts or it would get very uncomfortable for him. He turned to Sharon and thought about what she asked.

He had been horrified to learn that Sharon was left to do menial tasks, tasks that no one wanted to do, tasks that were beneath her. She hadn't complained and he knew she didn't intend to but he would not allow her to go back there if that is what she would be working on.

'That was me promising Matt that we will talk later,'he told her as he parked the car.  She scowled.

'Talk about what? My job?'she asked as they got onto the elevator. When he didn't answer, she continued irritatingly. 'I don't need you to do that for me, Cameron. If I feel the need to talk to him, I will.'

'Even so, I will talk to him,'he told her blithely. He knew she was mad but he didn't expect her next action. She punched him on the arm in anger. It didn't hurt but he grabbed it with a mock grimace. 'Hey, this is my throwing arm.' She threw him a fierce glare and stomped to the reception. He followed her, amused, and told the awestruck receptionist that he had an appointment. She told them to wait, her voice stuttering. The therapist, Miss Willa Henderson, came out a few minutes later.

Cameron had been standing at the side with Sharon, who had been reading the brochures on the reception and commenting to him the parts she found amusing. Her anger was nowhere to be seen and he knew she hadn't been kidding about her inability to carry out the silent treatment. She had initially been stewing in her anger but after picking up the first brochure, she had not been able to keep her humor to herself.

He smiled at her and looked up to see the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Dr Willa was gorgeous. She was willowy and slim. Her face could rival the most beautiful model out there. It was a delicate heart shape, her high cheekbones framing the most kissable lips. Her deep blue eyes were framed by long thick lashes and she was giving her a smoldering look.

He was brought out of his reverie by Sharon. 'Hi, you must be Dr Willa. Matt said you came highly recommended. This is Cameron, your patient.' He looked down at Sharon. Her voice held a brittle edge and it had been decidedly cheerful, too cheerful. She didn't look at him but instead fixed her gaze on Dr Willa.

'Hi. Nice to meet you,' Dr Willa said. Her voice was raspy, seductive but Cameron was more concerned about Sharon. He gave her a cursory nod but he kept his eyes on Sharon. 'Well, let us adjourn to a more comfortable room.'

'This is my cue to lea-'

'No,'Cameron said. 'You have to stay. Remember your promise?' She looked at him, confused. She shifted her gaze to Dr Willa and back to him. She cocked an eyebrow, as if saying 'don't you want alone time with her?' He shook his head. This increased her confusion. 'You are staying. With. Me.'

'I'm sorry but the initial interview is confidential,'Dr Willa interjected. 'Your agent have given some information but I need to know more about you. Information you may not be comfortable with your friend from knowing.'

Her reason may be professional but her eyes say differently. She wanted more time for them to know each other or start knowing each other. Cameron might have been interested in the past but he almost had a taste of Sharon and he didn't want to jeopardise that. Their interactions might become more awkward.

'There's nothing that I could say that I'm not comfortable with Sharon from knowing,'he told her, effectively rejecting her offer. She was taken aback but she hid it well. He felt Sharon place her hand on his arm.

'Are you sure?'she asked hesitantly. He nodded decisively.

'Well, let us proceed to a more secure surrounding.'

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