Chapter 19 part 2 Realization

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I woke up the next morning, groggy and strangely unable to breathe. I roll away from the heavy arms around me. I fall off the bed and just barely catch myself into a crouch on the carpeted floor. Payton groans loudly and searches the bed for me in his tired state. I giggle as I pad over to my closet and pick out my outfit. I then head to the bathroom and take a warm, steamy shower. I turned on the radio before getting in so I could sing while showering. Eventually, after my nice shower, I get out and get dressed before I blow dry my long hair and put it up in a bun. I leave the bathroom and notice Payton's absence.

"Hm, guess he was hungry or something." I mumble and head down stairs.

The twins and Chase were sitting at the table eating cereal. Alec waved at me and smiled. He's so childish. As he waved, his soft hair shook and I laughed.

"Morning boys. What's up?" I ask and receive a guilty expression from Chase.

"Sorry about yesterday Katherine. I hadn't realized that Blue Moon was your old pack." He says quietly.

I nod at him and get out my own bowl and cereal.

"It's fine Chase you didn't know." I say softly and sit down next to Alec at the island, my mood dampening as I recall yesterday.

Emily soon entered the room and she smiled at me gently; her mate obviously told her about the situation yesterday and she knew the pain I was in. I smile back at her and go back to eating my cereal silently. I go back to thinking about Blue Moon. My old mate and friend. Rowan is probably still angry at me for disappearing without telling her. She hated Michael before, but now she is probably doing all kinds of risky things in my name. She did that some times when I lived in the pack and I always ended up pulling her out of sticky situations. I grin thinking about my friend, before I suddenly frown as I realize she has no idea where I am. I have attempted to contact her before, but Payton got angry and scared me out of trying again. I haven't been able to check up on her in the years I've been away.

I get a rush of determination that courses through my veins. I'm going to call her today. After breakfast, still with no sign of Payton, I head to my room and retrieve my phone. I quickly dial her number that I had memorized after our years of friendship and anxiously wait. Suddenly someone on the other end picks up the phone.

"Hello?" A soft, weary voice sounds from the other end. Rowan.

"Hey..Rowan?" I say slowly.

Suddenly the phone is filled with ecstatic screams of excitement and laughs.

"I knew you were okay! I knew it!!" She shrieks and giggles happily.

I pull the phone away from my ear for a few minutes until her freak out has been resolved.

"Yes of course I'm okay. I miss you so much. I'm so sorry I haven't called or texted. I just haven't really been allowed to." I mumble the end and look around briefly making sure I'm still safe.

"Allowed?! What?! Girl I am your designated best friend! I miss you so much! Where are you? I will come and save you!" She says and I hear a heavy bag hit the floor on the other end of the call.

I groan, "no, no, no. Rowan you can't just come and take me. He wouldn't allow that." I say and suddenly regret my wording, wincing as she raises her voice again.

"Allow? What?!?!" She shrieks.

Oh no. Here comes the rant, "no one should be holding you hostage! Imma kill a hoe!!" She says and is suddenly silent.

"Rowan? Rowan?!" I ask frantically.

What if she got caught, what if Michael is hurting her or looking for her? Where is she right now? I wonder if she had continued to attend school after I ran away or if she stopped going entirely.

Finally she speaks again, much quieter, "the pack has been a mess since Michael took over as alpha. He doesn't seem to care too much about the pack. He's been a wreck since you left the pack." She whispers.

I sigh, "Rowan I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in two years. But I really do miss you."

I hold back tears. It's all my fault she and the pack were in such a bad condition, if I hadn't left then their alpha would be more attentive to the needs of his pack members.

"Kat I have to go. Please don't come back. You'll never be able to leave. Stay away-" suddenly I hear a low, familiar, voice requesting to know who she is talking to.

"Mind your own damn business, that's who." She says sassily and I remain silent but wince slightly at her clear disrespect.

"Listen I gotta go. Stay safe." She murmurs and I hear a deep voice call her an unholy word as the phone clicks off.

I sigh as I wipe tears away that had unknowingly began to spill down my face. I will save you Rowan. Blue Moon, my revenge is for you and your heartless leader. I make the decision right there that I will be joining my Alpha and his training group to the trip over to Blue Moon; not for the sake of Michael, but for the sake of all his pack members and my best friend. I know she told me to stay away, but I can't stand idly by while her world crumbles around her because of me. It feels wrong when I think of crossing back into the pack territory, but if I have to return there to see Rowan unharmed then that's what I will do.

***********Hello again dear reader! I'm so happy you have chosen to read my book. After you read this chapter please feel free to vote and share my book with your friends! I need all the feedback I can get!******

Midnight With My Alpha MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora