Chapter 10- The End

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Chapter 10- The End

This was all very confusing for Brianna to digest. Here it was she was about to die because her father cheated on Ashley. Ashley was getting revenge when her son was killed , causing her to be more vengeful towards Bree.

Bree did not know what was going to happen next . Both Antonio and Ashley had guns pointing at Aubrey, Brianna, Josh , Mr.Montgomery and Mrs. Armstrong.

"Stop." Brianna said confidently and took a courageous step foward, "I'm the one you guys want to kill. Just take me and let everyone live. No one deserves to die because of me. "

"Brianna. No!" James cried out,  pleading his daughter not to sacrifice herself.

"Dad, I don't know what is going in here but I won't let you take my girlfriend away from me." Josh yelled at his father.

"Josh, I'm not your father." Antonio said, pointing the gun at Josh and released the trigger.

"No!" Mrs. Armstrong said and took a bullet for her son.

Everyone screamed and was in shock.

Ashley took this moment to grab Brianna and had a gun to her head.

"James. Drop the case. I have the only thing that is more valuable to you than money. Here's what you're going to do. Transfer $35 million dollars to an offshore account to me by Friday and just maybe, you will get your daughter back in one piece. If you don't, let's just say you'll watch your daughter's pathetic life ripped out of her and then receive her body in parts." Ashley said vindictively as everyone froze, not knowing how to react.

"Ashley, you're not going to get away with this. You killed our son! And for what, money?" James cried out upset.

Ashley rolled her eyes and Antonio pointed his gun at Josh, only to realise that he was gone.

"Where is he? Where did he go?" Antonio shouted upset.

"Ashley, let's get out of here." Antonio said and turned around, only to be sacked in the face by a baseball bat. 

He fell flat on the ground.

Ashley released Brianna and began shooting at Josh, who ran into the corridor.

"Come out you stupid boy." Ashley said, forgetting all about the other people in the room.

Brianna took the gun which she had hidden in the couch and sneakily followed Ashley.

Ashley had entered Josh's room and had him cornered.

"You will never get away with this." Josh shouted, still having the baseball bat in his hand.

" I think I will." Ashley smirked and the gun was fired.

Only, it wasn't from her gun.

Ashley's gun flew from her hand as she fell on the ground with a loud thud.

"Bree." Josh cried out and ran to hug her.

"I'm so happy you're okay." Bree said embracing her boyfriend.

"Let's get out of here."Josh said and they exited the room hand in hand.

They went to the living room only to find Bree's father knocked out cold and Aubrey was no where in sight.

"Dad!" Brianna cried out running to her dad's aid. He had a bruise on his head and Antonio was no where to be seen.

"Antonio's gone!" Brianna exclaimed.

"And so is Aubrey." Josh said, causing Brianna's eyes to water and her heart shattered to the cold ground.

Sirens could be heard from a distance and soon, the paramedics and police were at the house.

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