Too Much

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The man turned and I stared at him with fear as he walked over to me. I was pressed as tightly as possible to Erebus while grabbing his shirt,

"It's alright Miss Luna, it's just a quick check to see if your alright" he assured before putting his hand forward. Something then snapped in me and I yelped

"Don't! Don't touch me!" Erebus instantly reached to wrap me in his embrace but instead, I jumped off the table and pressed against his side while looking at the ground in shame of my behavior. The man stood to his full height to look at me confused but I turned away from them both while still staying close to Erebus. It was too much to deal with that memory, especially after what happened just last night with Alpha Michael.

Erebus wrapped his arm around me before speaking

"If you'll just give us a minute Doctor Phillip," he said while looking down at me as I still refused to make eye contact with him.

"Of course," he said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Layla, Layla look at me, what's wrong?" He asked while turning me to look at him

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry but it just- it reminds me of something terrible"

"What do you mean?"

"Alpha Micheal, when I tried to run away he took me to the cellar and there was a table with a bright light and... and a knife. Before he whipped me he cut me on the arm"

Erebus stared at me as I stood there while looking at the floor blankly before he sighed and wrapped me in his arms.

"Alright, I'll make sure you get a female doctor and we'll go somewhere else but you have to be checked Layla, something could be seriously wrong and we would never know if you don't get checked"

At that moment it didn't matter where we went or what we did, the way I had acted was ridiculous and childish. Although Erebus would never tell me that even if it was the truth

"Okay" I nearly whispered

As he told me we were given a female doctor, her name was Janette but being checked didn't even affect me. My disappoint in the actions I'd made was flooding my mind and the image of myself hiding behind Erebus was glued to my eyelids. Janette left to go look over the X-rays as Erebus and I sat in the small room silently, his dark eyes were on my face, trying to get my attention. Instead of looking at him the floor distracted me more at the time than his gaze, which made a nearly unnoticeable frown crease into his lips. Finally, his strong hand gilded onto my knee which caught my attention to look him the face this time I hid my sadness well but something swirled in his blue gaze as he stared at me.

Janette came in and I looked away from Erebus but he didn't even spare her a glance, I wondered what he was thinking about right now as he continued to stare at me.

"Well Luna it looks like you cracked one of your ribs but luckily it will heal in about 2 weeks, just try to not move around too much," she said soothingly with a smile.

Although she was nice I knew she pitied me which made her less appealing, I didn't want people to pity me, I wanted them to see me as strong and proud like Erebus... not a hurt, weak Luna. Erebus had already taken my hand and was sliding me off the chair before I came back from my daydreaming and looked up at him. Janette waved and smiled at me as we both walked out of the door and into the lounge area where people once again bowed their heads down to avoid meeting eyes with Erebus. Some dared to glance up at me and smiled at me as I smiled back before Erebus lead me out the door and into the forestry area of the main camp. People were scattered here and there before looking up at us and bowing their heads, I sped up to walk by his side as he walked in long strides to the house that was now in sight. Erebus kept quiet until we were in the house and he closed the door before turning to face me, I felt like a child who was going to be grounded as a punishment for doing something dumb. He stood there just staring at me with his arms crossed which made it even worse, I was pretty confident he knew it made me even more uncomfortable when he did that.

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