Chapter 24: Plans, Back to normal

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I get up at 10am and walk outside to get some air, after what happened yesterday I am exhausted but thank heavens my foot doesn't hurt that much. Well it does hurt when I move it but I can walk, it's not like I need a wheelchair or anything.

I sit down on the log and see many people are already up and are having breakfast as they walk out of the 'mini canteen'.

I see Aiden, Zach, Aaron and Reece coming out laughing and making fun of each other. Kaitlyn, Mona and Amber also join them once they sit on the far side of the log.

Soon another girl comes and wraps her arm around Reece, which then gets taken off as Reece makes a cringe face. I laugh at this and I look at Aaron making an odd look on what he sees in his plate but then his eyes land on me. He makes a genuine smile and signals me to come over.

I get up and walk over but then stop in my place when I see Kaitlyn going around Aiden and wrapping her arms around him. For some reason, my heart gets a sting and I pull a frown. Why do I feel this way? I shrug the thought and the put back the smile on my face and walk over to them.

"Hey Amy" they all say in unison but Kaitlyn looks at me with a scowl on her face.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say taking a chair and sitting opposite them.

"How you feeling?" Zach asks me with all honesty in his eyes.

"I'm good now" I say looking down at my shoes.

Admit it, you wanted Aiden to ask you?

Oh shut up that isn't true.

Uh huh sure, keep telling yourself that.

I am, don't you worry.

"Want to go back there?" Aiden asks winking at me.

We all send him glares but then I start laughing.

"To be honest, it was pretty fun, we should go there but this time, in day light" I say getting nods from all of them.

"Where?" Kaitlyn asks.

I roll my eyes and Zach explains what happened last night.

"Oh I want to come with you guys" she says.

"No" I say.

"Did I ask you?" she says roughly.

"Well if she's going, I'm not coming and I'm sure none of the others are either" I say rolling my eyes with a smirk on my face.

Me ~ Guys come out, forgot to say but breakfast is ready and also I here sitting with the guys and Kaitlyn and those idiots are annoying me so can you please come?

Mia ~ coming

Jazz ~ not that I care but is Aaron there too?

I roll my eyes and after a quick answer I shut the phone I look over to Kaitlyn.

"Well good, we don't need you either" she says turning back to the guys that are trying to hold there laughs.

"Okay then, you guys enjoy" I say standing up but Aiden yanks me down.

"It's not safe for you" he says to Kaitlyn.

"Please? I won't do anything plus I'm sure I'm more fun than her" Amber says.

"Yeah come on it will be fun, you guys come as well" Aaron says with a smirk on his face when he sees Jazz and Mia coming.

"Well then count me out" I say standing up once again, but this time instead of Aiden, Aaron yanks me down.

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