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Fortunately, I hadn't spent too long in the restroom after Calista announced her departure, so I figured I could catch up to her just as easily as Matias could so long as I headed straight out after him. However, after one hurried step forward, my feet were halted.

"Ah there you are my sweet Delilah. Ready for dinner?" Lord Antonov stood before me with hands clasped together and a hungry smile lighting his handsome face. "Perhaps we get back to that conversation we discussed last night. Get to know one another, break down some walls..."

"I'm not looking to get bit again," I said, my eyes trained upon Matias's back as he slipped through the front door. "So if you'll excuse me."

"Look," he said, his voice an octave lower and his sparkling eyes dulled with exhaustion, "at least let me apologize. You must grant me that."

I looked between his pleading gaze and the door, wondering how much ground Matias and Calista had already gained in those few minutes. With a sigh I turned to Antonov and then to the booth where Scarlett sat in silence. He was both persistent and sincere. I knew ignoring him would only draw it out longer and perhaps, if I was accommodating, he'd keep the apology short.

"All right," I said as I climbed into the booth.

"Excellent!" he cheered, clapping his hands together. Then he turned and waved to a waitress bedecked in a flowing black dress. "Quartz, I'd like a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and a bloody prime rib." He turned to me as he took his position on the other side of Scarlett. "What would you like my dear?"

"I'm not hungry."

At this Scarlett turned with her eyebrows raised and her lips pinched. Antonov couldn't see her expression, but I blushed at her quizzical gaze. I forgot I told her I was too hungry to wait for Antonov back at the hotel. I expected her to rat me out, but her expression softened before turning back to stare out over the thickening crowd in the club.

"She'll order later," said Antonov as he waved off the waitress. "Now, about last night. You should know the four vampires that assaulted you were severely reprimanded." He cleared his throat and rested his forearms on the table, inspecting his fingers for a few moments before gazing up at me from the tops of his eyes. "We had them chained to the fence post and exposed to dawn"

"Sunlight," I said with a gasp. "Doesn't that kill you?"

"Do not worry for them, until the sun fully rises they are safe," he said while leaning back and shrugging. "They just suffered severe burns, which will heal in a couple weeks. Also the pay for every day they miss of work will go into your credit account."

This was not how I was going to make friends, I thought.

"And finally," he continued with an authoritative twist in his tone, "they will not get any human blood at the next festival." He gave his head a nod as if that settled the matter, but my mouth couldn't help but hang open in an astonished gape.

"But isn't that why this happened in the first place?" The words struggled to make it past my dry throat. "I mean they're hungrier because animal blood isn't as good for them as human blood, so that's why they lost it last night, right?"

"It is you they attacked my dear. If there is a punishment more to your liking..."

"An apology will do."

"An apology?" asked Antonov. This time it was his mouth that gaped.

"It's not all their fault. I can act a bit off myself when I'm hungry."

"Speaking of which," said Antonov with a sly smile as Quartz dropped off his wine and steak at the table. "What can I get you for dinner?"

"What about the children?" I asked without glancing over at the waitress.

His handsome face twisted beneath the dark shadow of his brow. He waved off the wispy waitress and took a sip of his wine before lacing his fingers together and answering my question with a seriousness I had yet to hear in his voice.

"The children are young and Tomas is quickly approaching puberty, a time when his more base instincts will be at their most volatile. You can't blame them for what happened."

"I don't."

He cleared his throat and shifted his weight in his seat. He stared down at his steak, but didn't take a bite. "As for Natasha, I am not blind to her jealousy. I had hoped, though, that it had not poisoned my children. Sadly I am often distracted by their charms and I missed the damage she was doing. I've decided to rectify that by sequestering her in her room for a week, maybe more, depending on what answer she can give me in regards to her position in our family."

I thought to mention that neither Tomas nor Adele would grow to like me or any potential suitor any better by torturing their mother, but I saw the red flare of anger in his eyes and I knew better than to question him. So instead we sat there, staring at each other until he finally decided to dig into his steak.

"Is that your apology then?" I asked as he munched on a chunk of completely raw meat.

"Was that not enough? Need me to apologize for the way I made you blush last night?" He wagged his eyebrows, while Scarlett fidgeted beside me.

"That would be nice, yes."

"Pardon?" he asked, putting down his bloodied fork.

"You said you would apologize for last night and you haven't so it would be nice if you would."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry." He shrugged and his brow furrowed with confusion, but I took it all the same.

"Thank you. I'll be going now. Have a good night."

I slid out of my side of the booth, but before I could escape, he slid out after me.

"You wouldn't stand me up now, would you?"

"I never promised you dinner so I can't stand you up. I do hope you have a lovely night with Scarlett."

My nerves were building with each passing second and when I took another step for the door, I feared anymore interference from the persistent vampire would be the end of me. However, he didn't obstruct my exit and he didn't follow me, only his playful chuckle was left in my wake.

The Death ThiefHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin