16. Escape or Return?

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J A S O N 'S    P O V :

I woke up to the most annoying sound ever. My alarm clock, signaling that it was 12:30 am. What might a future alpha be doing that early in the morning? Well, I had a rogue to interrogate. Honestly, I wanted the time alone to be able to use whatever means necessary to get the answers I wanted without anyone else distracting. 

I made my way quietly downstairs after getting dressed. I knew that if anyone caught me out here, questions I didn't have time to answer would be asked. And my hurriedness and reluctance to answer them would ultimately lead to inferred conclusions. Not something I wanted right now.

I made my way towards the door of the dungeon before being stopped by a wolf standing guard. "Alpha, I didn't know that you were coming down here this early..."

"Don't worry. Just clear all the guards out of the dungeon and don't tell anyone I am going down there, okay?"

"All the guards have already been cleared out, your father commanded it. He wanted the wolf to suffer alone."

"Suffer?" I asked, trying to calm the raging Ethan who was convinced that was our mate down there.

"You should see the set up that poor wolf is in."

Without thinking twice, I bolted down the stairs. My loud footsteps would probably wake up the prisoner, but I would be fine, wouldn't I? It's not like this animal could get out of its cell...

I looked around, thoroughly checking each cell for any sign of an escaped or present picture, finding nothing. Where did that wolf go? I could've -

Suddenly, something in one of the far cells catches my eye. Visible by torch light, Blonde hair is visible. i wandered forward, uncertain of exactly who this was. The person - a girl, to be exact - turned to face me. Her blue eyes pierced the darkness and her purple highlights shimmered.

"Kara?!" I was shocked to say the least. I mean, who expected her to be here right now, and in all places?!

"Jason!" She threw her arms around me, and I felt faint sparks, but nothing like the girl earlier today. She hugged me tightly, but her hold was more bearable than Evelyn's previous one. 

"Oh gosh, Jason, I was dragged into the woods nearby by a wolf! But it was much bigger than normal! I was so scared! I got lost, and ended up down here. There was another rather large wolf, but it was chained up with a muzzle on. It was in pain, so I tried to help. I released it, and - and it hurt me!" A jagged claw mark is visible down one of her arms. As a human it would take much longer to heal than a wolf. That stupid wolf! He would pay!

"Jason, I was so terrified! I tried calling out, I tried going back upstairs, but it was locked! I couldn't get out! And I-I just want to go home. Go home with my aunt."

I honestly felt bad for her, both Ethan and I did. She shouldn't have been dragged into this mess, but with everything she had been saying, some things still didn't add up. 

If the wolf had gone through torture, how had it had the strength to escape? And how did no one notice that we had a human with us, or the fact that the rogue had in fact escaped? I sniffed the air, noticing that instead of reeking of human, it reeked of power, and wolf, and a... an alpha?

I shook my head. No, I must be delusional. She is a human, for heaven's sake!

"J-Jason, please, I don't l-like it here. Let me go h-home." The way her voice shook showed how truly terrified she was. She clung to me like her life depended on it. 

"I am going to have a word with the guards, and then I will let you go. Come," I said and she willingly complied. We made our way up the stairs and came face to face with a concerned looking guard. 

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