NOOO! Truck-san Strikes Again!

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I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, wishing for the first time in my life that I was not a couch potato. Care to wonder what I'm running from? Rapists? Thieves? Psycopaths? You're wrong. H.O.T. bishies. Most normal girls would be ecstatic to have these bishie hunks chasing after them screaming their names, but not me. No thanks, Sayonara, disappear from my life. Because I ... I know their true colors.

"Adeline! Cooome back~ I promise that I won't ever try to replace your old undergarments ever again~"

"onee-chan~, please come back, I promise I won't use your bras for slingshots anymore~" 

"Sister don't go! I promise not to ever again hang my underwear on your bedpost!"

"Addie, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to leave my erotica open on your desk, I just forgot in all the commotion!"

Yeah right, you stupid hunks of muscle! That's not what I'm mad about, cuz sadly I'm already desensitized to that other weird stuff. Wait. Ahhhhh! I'm actually used to this stuff! You bastards! Give me back my maiden heart! Even now, all I can think about is that unforgettable scene- AHHHH! Stop thinking about it! You ASSES scarred my mind, every time I close my eyes I SEE MY STUPID IDIOTIC brothers. All of them. ALL of them. Let that sink in. ALL of them. Every single part of them. . . Trauma. That's all you can call it. Get it? MENTAL TRAUMA. I may NEVER forget that moment in my life. You bastards stole my innocence. Thinking this I kept on running, not even realizing that I was crossing a road where the light had just turned green.  By the time I realized, it was too late. A truck came hurtling towards me and I didn't have any time to react. My last thought was NOOO! Truck-san strikes again!

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