Chapter Thirteen

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"She's getting worse." It was the fifth time Gaven had called for someone to come check on me. The first few times I had denied their help, snapping at them, causing them to run in fear, but now I couldn't stop them. Something as simple as holding my head up seemed next to impossible.

My limbs felt like they weighed a ton. I could feel the pressure on my sockets as the weight of my body pulled against the chains that held up my arms. The girl, a youngling with fiery red hair and bright green eyes, was working quickly. She was wiping my forehead with a damp rag in an attempt to rid my body of the fever that had taken control over my body only yesterday.

She hasn't spoken a single word in all the time that she'd been with us, but it didn't matter because Gaven and Michael had spoken enough for everyone.

The girl left as soon as she was done with her treatment for my fever. Michael started speaking as soon as we were alone. "We need to get you out of here, Cara."

"No kidding." I chuckled dryly.

"You should have mated with him," Gaven growled, "The distance is going to kill you."

"I'm an Alpha. I'll be fine." At least that's what I kept telling myself.

"Even an Alpha can be killed by the bond. Why haven't you guys mated yet?"

"It's a long story, and one I don't really quite feel like telling."

"You sure like keeping your secrets don't you." He laughed dryly.

"Oh and you don't have any?"

"I'm an open book." He deadpanned. I rolled my eyes at the darkness where I knew his body was tied up.

"Piss of Gaven." I growled.

"Tell me," his voice echoed off the walls making us all freeze. I always listen for the door, we all do, yet somehow he had gotten into the room with out us knowing, and knowing this made my heart race with fear, "How does such a pretty girl have such a dirty mouth?" The hairs on my neck rose as his hot breath slid across my sweat cooled skin. My wolf growled at his closeness; if she was going to let anyone near that spot it was only ever going to be Tiberius, and I agreed with her completely on that.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Well it's you're turn little bird." Our door opened and someone else joined our little cage party. I felt my chains loosen and then my body dropped to the ground with a thud. From behind I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and throw me over a thick shoulder covered in black cotton.

We began moving. Soon light began to filter in through slits in the ceiling. Eventually everything was lit up and I could see my surroundings. My capture, Dave, at least that's what I was calling him, was in front of us. He was wearing a black fitted T and black jeans. I couldn't see any blood, but I could smell the copper on the material.

The person carrying me was wearing a mask that covered his head from the neck up. His body was also covered in all black, there wasn't a single slither of skin showing. His scent was strangely missing to. It's like he didn't even exist. Maybe the bond was making me go crazy.

Dave stopped at a metal door. He pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket unlocking the door and allowing his buddy to move me inside. The place was bare except for a single chair sitting in the middle. I already knew it was for me. As if sensing my thoughts, Dave's buddy practically threw me into the seat and strapped me down. Two iron chains around my wrists, two around my ankle, and one thick leather strap around my chest.

When he was happy with his work he left the room. Dave came in next. At first nothing was said; he just stood, leaning against the door, staring at my subdued body. There was something about the way he took my image in that made me sick. I thought after all this time that maybe this was because of what I was; a female Alpha, but my gut told me this was so much more.

The Alpha's SummitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora