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break me

use me

hurt me

anyone is fine

i don't care who

as long as they can break me

as long as they can make me forget your name

as long as my mind goes blank

i don't care

thats what i used to think

but i was still un happy

but i still lied to myself

i wanted freedom and to get that

i had to be held down and hurt

i gave power to someone else

i let them take my freedom

and the more they took

the more i felt free

but it was lonely

and i knew why

and so the more freedom i needed

everytime he held me i asked him to hurt me

to make it so i could only think of him

i wanted him to destroy me

to make it so i couldn't feel anything

but pain

but it was never enough

i wanted more

i wanted to be hurt more

i wanted more

everytime i would beg to be destroyed

i would beg to be hurt

but he couldn't

and i hated that

i hated that no matter how much i was hurt

i hated that no matter how many times i was held down

your name was always the one i wanted to call

i hated that no one could break me

i hated myself

but most of all i hated that i needed pain

because pain meant peace to me

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