Chapter 1

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"You can't defeat me sister ".

 Caleb was taunting me as he skillfully dodged my every attack. To be honest I was very very  tired right now and  with every sudden movement my muscles protested . I was bruised and bloody from many parts of my body and the injuries were stinging badly . We had been practicing sword fighting for almost 2 hours now and that too in scorching sun . It was so hot  and heat could possibly  roast you alive . Coat of sweat covered my forehead and my warrior uniform was sticking to my skin like a second skin."What happened Eleanor? Tired?" My brother mocked me. "Oh perhaps princess you want to quit so early I have just started" I knew his trick he was mainly taunting me. I wasn't putting my guards down anytime soon . "It's okay sister you can put that sword of yours  down." I smiled sweetly the expression of bafflement was clear on his face. His eyes widened because he knew the fighter in me was awake. You see I was the best swords women and archer. Not many had defeated me till now. "Brother what happened? Scared already? "Two can play a game. And then I attacked - my sword clanking with his with so much force that he almost lost the grip to his sword. Then I started attacking with super inhuman speed and the way I cornered him to one corner of the arena I knew he was going to be thrown off guard. Finally within the next 5 minutes I was standing over him with his sword in my hand. I dusted off the imaginary dust from my shoulders. Patting myself on my shoulder. "Come "I said helping him up. We were silent the whole way back lost in our thoughts.


"You are brave Eleanor more the any one. You are a fighter and you will remain a rebel till the end .You want to know why?" I looked at my mom with the curiosity .At that time I was 6 year old and we were sitting in the garden as she braided my long black hairs. 'Why mummy?" I asked her ones again "because Eleanor your heart is so pure you were born to protect the weaker ones. My daughter you will see so many horrors in the future but remember that you will never fall weak. You were born as a defender. You are a hero. Promise me that you will protect the people who need you". After ten days prior to that event my mom was killed by those monsters .Those beast are known as werewolves. I watched her as they tear her apart and I watched as she faced me. The life draining from her eyes. But she didn't ones screamed or called my name. Because she sacrificed herself to save me. That event effected me so much that  I started training right . I was made into killing machine from an ordinary 6 year old. Those beasts took away my mom, my childhood and  my everything. Call me merciless or anything but I am doing what I was supposed to do.I am protecting whom I am supposed to . 

But let me tell you how we human are now  on the top of food chain. In 2030 human race saw one of the deadliest world war. The world was in chaos and millions  loss their lives . But this war ended after 20 years. In 2050 the first war between human vampires and werewolves took place and you know what who lost the war .Of course Us humans because we weren't able to protect ourselves we weren't united and the impact of 3rd world war has been clearly seen the way we were defeated by those beast . No matter how many weapons human race has they weren't able to put much resistance and there was bloodshed every where. The horrors aren't worth describing. Now it's 2090. The werewolves have established themselves as the rulers. Human race is suppressed and oppressed. It's common for these filthy animals to attack human villages. Women are forcefully either taken as mates by the wolves or are sold away. And we all know why. The children and men as well as many women are thrown  to the  vampires as meal. Many villages of humans are wiped away like that . Yet humans are trying to put as much resistance as they can. There are so many human rebel groups who are rising against the werewolves. For instance there are some rebel groups "R.T [Rebel tribe], HFM [Humans freedom moments], Anonymous, Cross checks, FR [Free rebels] etc. My father is the leader of one of three strongest rebel groups. "Archers" . My father is my hero .He taught us to fight and he always tried to help any human group or villages under attack. He is a brave men because despite having bounty of $ 500, 000,000 on his head he has always been brave and he has saved so many humans. Sometimes I fear for the safety of my dad that's why I am his personal bodyguard because until and unless I am alive I will make sure the freedom moment never stop.

"Hello Mr. Bryce I chipped happily as me and my brother entered his office. It was a huge office and spacious too. My table was in one corner of the office with my Fathers' on the opposite side. My younger sister Celia was perched on my father's table busy typing on her phone typical her I rolled my eyes. Celia was very close to my dad. She was always kept in shelter far away from the dangers. And I prayed to God she never has to see them. She wasn't made for all these things."Where's father Caleb asked?"

"Dad is in the meeting room. He gave me the message that when you guys return tell you people there is an important meeting and I think you guys are 15 minutes late" she said consultant her hand watch. I quickly put the box of donuts that I have picked on the way on the table and gave Celia a warning look. She raised her hands in surrender. Then we rushed to the meeting room. I could tell something was so wrong! Deadly wrong. My heart was beating so fast. Caleb exchanged worried looks with me. Everyone had solemn looks on their faces. My father looked angry, Very angry. He was walking to and fro. I took a quick glance around the room and saw that all the leaders from the rebel groups were gathered here. "When they saw I was here Drake leaped and threw his arms around me. He was sobbing and Aunt Margret was sitting with her arms around the wife of another rebel. Her condition was worst as she clunged to the other women who was known as Betty. Uncle drake was directed to one of the chair by Calvin ,

"Eleanor, Caleb come outside we need to talk privately" father said. I saw that he was in distress. AS we left and stood outside his office Caleb finally dared to ask "What happened father? Why so many people have gathered here? Someone was attacked? Right? ." My dad turned to us "Yes yesterday two rebel groups were wiped away completely and one was attacked. Not only that these groups were none other than the shadow hunters and the freedom knights. "It was like someone has poured bucket of cold water on me. All the color drained from my face. Shadow hunters were the most powerful rebel group and so was Uncle Drake group although freedom knights weren't that strong but my heart grieved for all the lives lost. They took Jessica away. My knees buckled from under me before I could hit the floor Caleb quickly grabbed me supporting my weight. Jessica – Jessica was my best friend and daughter of Aunt Margret and uncle Drake. I had known her since I was 5 year old. I cried silently because I knew this was the fate of so many young human girls who after the beast raided their homes took them away forcefully . My father, Caleb and the other rebels tried to calm me down but I wouldn't stop.

2 Hours Later

"They are coming for us!! The war has started and we don't know when the war will break out yesterday two of the most powerful groups was attacked and one completely wiped out this tell us that Archers is the next target. I don't want to put any of your life's in danger so fellow rebels and leaders you have time right now to back out of this fight because we don't know if today or tomorrow we will be under attack . Some of the people stood up to leave but the majority remained raising their weapons in air to show their support. "But everything happened in spur of moments. An arrow flew through the air and safely embedded in Uncle Drake heart whose body fell to the floor a chaos broke out. We knew the war was close but that close no one could ever imagine. The war has started because the werewolves and vampires surrounded us and we all drew our swords and weapons ready to fight. Fear wasn't an option now nor was escaping , it was do or die situation.  

Hey guys I thought of re publishing this book so don't forget to show your support 😚

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