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The radiation from a nearby supernova causes every creature on Earth to swap minds! Men to women, children to adults, animals to humans, old to young, and vice versa. How would youhandle changing sex or species? Mindslip combines frightening science fiction with psychological horror.

The change in astrophysicist Geoff Arnold is challenging, and his wife and children have vanished. He joins the government's catastrophe committee with the brief to find a solution to Mindslip before it completely destroys society and the economy.

Millions die! Billions survive danger, harassment and abuse, and manage to adapt to their change of species, race, sex, and age. Geoff discovers that the change his wife has experienced is life-threatening. Can he juggle his new life, help save the world and rescue his wife in time?

This stand-alone work is an excellent example of Tony Harmsworth's imagination. Science fiction with elements of soft horror, all in the style of the old masters. A real page-turner.

Become part of the bizarre, yet realistic world of Mindslip. Read it today!

(c)2018 Tony Harmsworth - This copyright notice appears at the bottom of each chapter - if you don't see it, it might mean you have not downloaded the whole chapter, so always look for the copyright symbol.

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