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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for checking this book out. It's wild every once in awhile to come back to Wattpad and see how Cameron and Sam live on. I was 16 when I wrote this over a hot, quiet summer in Ontario. I'm 22 now, at the time of typing this—it's crazy how much time has passed and how many things have changed, and yet these characters and this story are still here, and people are still connecting with them. Cameron and Sam have such a special place in my heart. I'm not really on Wattpad much anymore, but I do come back to poke my head in every once in awhile and say hello and respond to messages. Thank you for being here, and thank you for reading.❤️ Lots of love, M


I thought I should include a bit of hockey background. The focus of this story isn't solely on hockey, so don't worry if you don't know anything about the sport. However, Cameron Beckett (the main character) plays in a certain league I thought I should explain.

The CHL (Canadian Hockey League) is an organization for skilled hockey players aged 16 - 20. It is the most common route that players looking for a future with hockey take before being drafted for the NHL (National Hockey League). The CHL consists of 60 teams and is split up into three categories - the OHL, the WHL, and the QMJHL. Teams compete for the Memorial Cup. Players are drafted by teams, meaning they don't pick where they play. Cameron was drafted for his hometown team, so he didn't have to move. However, some of his teammates were drafted from cities further away, so they billet with local families during the season and attend the local school. Cameron's team and town, the St. Anne Lions, are FICTIONAL! I wanted to stay as realistic as possible so I just created a new team instead of trying to write an existing one. The St. Anne Lions are part of the OHL, the Ontario Hockey League.


(P.S. As you read, be sure to check out my Spotify playlist in bio! They're all songs that remind me of Sam & Cam / inspired my writing.) 

(P.P.S. Current amazing cover art creds go to @Illustraice !! Check them out on social media at the same username)

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