Chapter II

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I slip on my ballet slippers as I make my way downstairs. I head straight to the kitchen and put on an apron. There, I make mom's recipe on french toast. I remember when I first mastered it. That was probably one of my proudest moments as a kid, for me. After I dip the toast in the egg/milk mix, I feel two lips press against my cheeks. I smile then cover them.

"Mom, Dad!" They laugh along with me, then Dad points to my apron.

"What, it said kiss the chief!" They continue laughing as I go back to cooking breakfast. Mom starts making some coffee.

"Oh, Cade's coming over tonight," I beam, turning to my dad.

"Without Lizy." My face falls while I pout. Mom laughs at me, taking one of the already done French toasts in her mouth.

"Well, I'm off. Have a good day, Sweetie," she kisses my temple then goes over to her husband.

"Honey." They share a kiss before she leaves the house. Putting all the dishes in the sink, I take off the apron.

"Ah, well, why'd you do that? I was gonna give the chief another kiss." Tucking my hair behind my ear, I grab a water bottle and drink some of it.

"It's too late now, then." I smile as he chuckles. I take out my birth control pills, getting one for the day.

"I thought you don't take it until lunch?" I ignore him, blushing.

"I do. I'm just putting it in my water, but you already know that, Daddy." He chuckles while I crush the pill into my water, closing the cap, then shaking it.

"I know, I just love teasing you." I focus on the task at hand to calm my flustered face. After I put the water bottle back into my lunch bag, he comes up to me and kisses the top of my head.

"Aww, it's okay, I apologize." I pout, but soon enough sigh.

"You're such a handful." He grabs his keys as I get my bag. Once we make it out the door, he smiles.

"Love you too, baby girl." I playfully rolled my eyes. We talk and joke some more on the way to school. Then he pulls up to it. I unbuckle my seatbelt, smiling at him.

"Thank you, have a good day!" I grab my lunch and bag, getting out of the car.

"You too, Ava." I nod at him then closed the door. I turn and start walking.

"Hey, wait," I furrow my eyebrows, turning back to my dad. Then I remember.

"I swear, Dad." He chuckles as I walk over to his side of the car and lean towards the window. He gives me a kiss on the cheek then tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I love you, Avery." I smile sweetly.

"I love you too, Daddy." He smiles then I back up so he can drive away. I wave to him before I begin walking towards the school. Along the way, I see Devin. She waves at me as I get closer to her.

"You know, if Avery doesn't work out you still got Original Daddy's friend." I frown at her.

"Dev, you're so gross." She looks at me as if I offended her.

"What, Cade's hot and you better be lucky I didn't say Alec." I give her a sour look. She nods to me with a knowing look.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." We stop walking once I'm at my locker. I open it, putting away my lunch. I also open my bag to put my instrument in as well.

"Hurry it up, Av. Daddy's on his way." I move a little quicker as I close my bag and locker. Then we walk away from my locker.

"Thanks again, Dev." She sighs as we walk to her home room. It's closer than mine so I usually drop her off then go. It's also a sure fire plan for not running into Avery on the way to class.

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