chapter 18

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I watched the little blonde run from the dinner covered in the food she spilled. Tears looker as if they would spill from her eyes. I shrugged it off and went back to sipping my coffee. "Xander go after her" jasper said to me, I nearly spit out my coffee who did he think I was. "Um no I don't do crying woman jas" I said and continued to sip my coffee. "Does it really bug you that much to be the nice guy here? She just needs someone to make sure she's ok" he said to me. I set my coffee down, I got up and headed for the door. It was a summer day in June so the sun was shinning. I looked around to see if I could find her. I started to walk down the street I was sure I had lost her, down a lone ally way I heard crying. I turned to see her on the ground crying. I had never delta with crying woman only my mother and sister. This was a new thing for me. "Hey you ok?" I asked as I walked up to her, he lifted her head to face me. Her face was filled with suprise and shock, tears filled her eyes and ran down her face. I couldn't help but feel a little something for this girl. "I am fine really you don't have to bother with me I am sure you have things to do" she said sweet and softly. Her voice was like silk as if nothing she said could be bitter but only sweet. "I should be going to the office but you looked like you needed someone" I said to her. "Thanks but please don't waste time with me" she said with a smile, she was trying to push me away. Me of all men in New York city did she even know who I was!?!


Alexander Martinez was talking to me !?! Of all the people in the world it's me he comes after to help, of course I look like this. I needed a better job something that didn't involve such crappy hours. I hated everything about working here the owner made us young girls wear short dresses for uniforms. I hated it men always staring at me and woman always glaring at me. "Thank you for the help but I really should be getting back inside" I said softly. I was to scared to say anything else in his presents. He held his hand out to me, I hesitated to taking it. His hand was so much bigger then mine they were ruff yet soft and almost gentle. He lifted me up as if I weighed nothing, he rested his other hand on my waist to balance me. I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest. No I can't he's a playboy a known rich one. He's just like Andrew, I can't get hurt not again. "Thank you but I must go" I said to him trying to break myself from him and his trance on me. "Your welcome" he said finally letting go of me as if I were the scum on earth. I didn't blame him I looked awful. I walked out of the ally with him by my side back to the dinner. Outside stood Nancy and the gentleman that sat with Alexander. "There you are Xander thought you got lost" the guy said laughing. I walked past over to Nancy she had a sad look on her face. "Oh dear are you ok" she asked me I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just nodded. "Oh dear I wish I could have helped you more but......Fred wants you gone" she said is a almost whispered voice. I felt as if I was hit with a rock, the owner Fred was firing me after all I had done for him. I gave in endless hours to him I put up wearing the awful uniform. I felt the tears filling my eyes again. Nancy held my shoulder before heading inside. I turned to see that Alexander and his friend had left leaving me alone in the street.


"What happened with her man you left so fast" jasper asked me I didn't want to talk about it. She made me feel something more something I didn't want. "Nothing I simply helped her up and walked her back, she's gone from our lives now jasper" I said going into the office. I sat at my desk she was gone and that was good enough for me. I didn't need any of that in my life. "Sir" a knock came and one of my employees walked in. "What" I snapped I hated when they had to bug me. " I was just reminding you that your interviews for a new assistant are on Monday" he said to me before leaving. Fuck I forgot about it all, there hasn't been an assistant here since forever. I am sure my mom was the last one before her and dad hooked up. I knew the story of how they fell in love. That wouldn't be me ever. I didn't fall in love I fucked and left that was it.

I looked to my clock later in the evening it was 5:30pm. I looked out the window to see it was quite dusky outside. I didn't want to be alone tonight so I went to my penthouse. I sent a text to one of my many girls who always wanted what ever they could get from me. When I got home she was there waiting for me. This is what I needed a good Fuck to get that cute little blonde out of my mind. She was gone I didn't need her in my head anymore.


I went back home to my small apartment. It was old and dirty and scared me sometimes. I needed to find a job and bad I started to looked through the help wanted in the paper. I came across an assistant position available. Interviews were being held Monday. I could do that I had some nice clothes saved. It was worth a shot I needed a new job and fast.

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