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bellamyemerson: hello. i want you guys to know that i am okay. you guys are probably confused about everything so let me tell you what happened. when we got there, rice, brian, and i ran into corey, elton, colby brock, and sam golbach. we decided to all stay together. at first we were goofing around, playing with a football and do tricks on our skateboards. then we started to explore the whole place. the whole time i was there, something was telling me to go in all of the rooms. every room we went in, there was nothing but trash. there was this room when i stepped out, i felt a burning sensation on my back. when i asked one of the guys to check my back, they saw a lot of scratches. i just let it go and we kept going. all we found was trash, that's until we got in one room. brian jokingly said "who's brave enough to stay in the room for a full minute. and with no flashlight." i stupidly volunteered. i don't know why but i did. i went in there with the door closed. i walked out and tripped over something, or should i say someone. i tripped over a dead body that was covered with fresh blood. when the guys opened the door and saw the dead body we ran out of there and called 911. i was covered with blood. i am so sad to what happened to that person. they didn't deserve that at all. my prayers go out to the family members. i am sorry. i haven't been online for a week and a half because of this. i was sad and i still am. no one should go through that. and no one deserve to be dumped like that. please, when you guys go to an abandoned place, please be careful.

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