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Roman is in bed. His mid-section still in pain from Rose's powerful kick. He hesitates about opening but then comes to a final decision.
"Oh hi Mrs Jones what brings you here?" Asks Roman as he finally opens his front door.
"Rose didn't come home last night I was wondering if you could tell me where she went?" Marion questions worryingly.
Roman feels his face go ice white. His stomach begins to turn. He feels sick. What should he say. He can't tell her what happened she would think he hurt her well he did but she would accuse him of physically hurting her.
"Oh we went to a nightclub but I don't know where she went after she just left," replies Roman.
"Well.....didn't you at least ask if she would like a ride home?" Asks Marion again.
Oh know why does she have to keep asking it's as if he's being forced to lie even more and more.
"I'm so sorry...we were drunk I wasn't thinking," Roman continues.
"Oh...well could you please contact me if you hear from her?" Marion asks.
He gives her a reassuring smile and says," sure."
She gives him her number and then gets back in her black Mercedes. She is becoming more and more worried. She tries her phone again. No answer.
"Shit," Marion says to herself.
Rose has messaged.
The message says,"hi mum I'm at home come meet me xx."
Marion let's out a sigh of relief as she starts the engine.


Megan is sitting at a table with her friends Annie and Jonathan. She is so worried about Rose. Has her mother been to the police station yet? Has her mother been able to contact Rose? Who phone Megan on rose's phone?
"Are you ok Megan?" Annie asks curiously.
"Yeah you seem worried, have they heard anything from Rose," Jonathan adds.
"I haven't heard anything from rose or about Rose," Megan answers.
Annie and Jonathan give each other a concerned look.
"Good morning guys," greets Mr ( Adam ) Palmer as he walks by.
"Morning sir," Annie, Jonathan and Megan all reply.
Annie combes her hair while she texts Jonathan in secret.
"We need to help her,"  Annie texts Jonathan
"Yeah but how?" Jonathan texts back.
"Hey Megan why don't we all bunk college today and go get a McDonalds or maybe a subway?" Annie asks once she puts her phone down.
"Yeah missing one day of school won't hurt," Jonathan agrees.
"Ok hopefully it will take my mind off Rose," Megan continues.

            SnowVille woods  
                    10:52 am

Two hitchhikers (Hunter Woods and Tammy Holland) are walking down the long road (named Slender Lane) which is surrounded by the huge SnowVille woods.
"What's that laying in the road?" Asks Tammy.
"I don't know let's see," says Hunter.
Tammy Holland is the 21 year old sister  of Annie Holland. They both run over to the mysterious object and look down at it.
"It's just a high heel shoe," Hunter claims.
"Yeah but what the hell is it doing laying in the middle of the road?" Asks Tammy.
"I don't know maybe I should ask the person who left it here," Hunter says sarcastically.
Tammy rolls her eyes.
"What's that over there?" Hunter asks as he points at the woods.
"Where?" Asks Tammy.
Tammy continues looking until she sees what he sees.
"Is that a..a...person?!" Tammy cries as she runs over to it.
Tammy let's out a scream of terror. Hunter feels sick.
Tammys screaming but she's in a state of shock. She can't hear herself screaming. It sounds to her like it's somebody else screaming.
"It''s Megan Jones's sister," cries Tammy.
"Her names Rose Jones," Hunter sobs.
"Call the police now," Tammy whispers in shock.
Hunter continues sobbing.
"Call the police now!!!!" Tammy screams.
Hunter pulls out his phone and speaks to the operator on the other side of the phone. Tammy looks down at Rose's body. Who would have done this? She was such a pretty girl Tammy thinks. She begins to think how the Jones family would cope with the news of their dead family member.
"We are about halfway down slender lane," explains Hunter.
The operator tells him the police will be there in about 5-10 minutes and that neither of them should not touch the body and leave it alone.
"She told me we aren't supposed to touch the body," says Hunter.
"Who would of done this?" Whispers Tammy.
"I don't know," sobs Hunter.
"She was in all my classes when I was in high school and college," explains Tammy.
"Tammy don't make yourself upset even more," cries Hunter.
"Well I just fucking found her dead body I can't stop thinking about her!!!" Shrieks Tammy.
Hunter grabs hold of Tammy and hugs her tight. He strokes her long black hair to calm her down.
"Don't worry once this is over we won't continue the road trip we can go back home," Hunter reassures Tammy.
They begin to hear the sound of sirens.
"Their here," says Hunter.
Tammy and Hunter run out into the road and run over to police officers.


"Honey are you home?!" Shouts Marion.
She runs around the house looking for her daughter.
"Rose where are you?!" Screams Marion.
She runs into the garden. Nobody there.
Ding dong. Somebody's at the door.
"Rose is that you?!" Screams Marion.
She runs through the kitchen, the living room until she reaches the hallway. She runs straight towards the door.
"Ahhhh!!!!" Bellows Marion as she slips over right before she reaches the door.
The floor is soaking wet.
"What the hell?" Marion says.
Blood starts to drip from her head.
She hears the sound of scissors and then...

                SnowVille college

"Right is everybody going to remember to bring in their models of the tower of manhattan?" Ask Mr Palmer.
The class all reply yes and they leave.
"Would you like a ride home?" Annie asks Megan.
"No thanks my father messaged me in class to say he would pick me up and that he needs to talk with me," replies Megan.
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow me and Jonathan will pick you up same time as usual," says Annie.
Megan says her goodbyes to Annie and then walks out to where her father waits for her.
Megan looks at her father. He's been crying.
"What's happened dad?" Asks Megan curiously.
She suddenly remembers about earlier when they couldn't get hold of Rose and when she got the phone call. Tears begin to form in her eyes.
"I'll tell you when we get home," says Christopher as he begins to sob.
"No tell me now," demands Megan.
"No Megan not here," says Christopher.
"Is it Rose?" She cries.
"Megan please just get in the car," cries Christopher.
"Just tell me!" Screams Megan as tears flood out of her eyes.
People on the streets begin to look at the in concern and worry.
"It's Rose...they found her body a few hours ago," Christopher sobs.
Megan's face goes blank. Her sister. Dead. It can't be.
"No," Megan cries.
"Megan it's true," cries Christopher.
"No your lying you all lying Rose is coming home she is," cries Megan.
Christopher begins to sob.
"I'll phone her and she'll tell me she's ok and that she's coming home," Megan cries.
She pulls out her phone and calls Rose. The call goes straight to voicemail.
"No no no!!!"screams Megan.
She throws her phone to the ground and it shatters to pieces. Megan runs off down the street. She doesn't know where she's going. She runs down multiple alleys praying this is a nightmare she's about to wake up from. She collapses to the floor and sobs.
"Megan is that you?" A voice asks as they find Megan.
"What do you want?" Megan answers.

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