Ch.14 Escape

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"Speak up! What has everyone distracted during the celebration of our nightly ritual? What's going on? Cmon, spit it out!"

His voice was eerie, like a principal catching a student doing hooky and then embarrassing them in front of the whole school. Everyone was silent as they waited for a response and I was beyond terrified that I couldn't breathe.

What do we do now?

"Well?! Someone say something!

The man stared wearily at me before turning and facing the pastor.

"Sorry Father Isiah, it was my fault." He removed his cowboy hat and bowed his head slightly in an apology. "I ended up hurting this pretty lil' ladies feet with my boots and I'm just trying to make things right."

"Is that so?"

The man gulped and hesitated before answering. "Yes sir."

"Well then...that's very kind of you to help her. Is it bad?"

No! Please don't mention me! Please don't mention me!

"Yes, it looks like it's bleeding. I'm so sorry." He apologized to me again.

"Well then go ahead and bring her up here! We will take away her pain and the best part is that you get to join her!"

"Wait what?!"

The crowd let out roars of cheers and suddenly unfamiliar hands began grabbing me by the arms, pulling me forward towards the stage.

"Let go of me!" I screamed and struggled against their grasps.

All the life drained from the cowboy's face. His eyes were distant as if he couldn't believe what the pastor had said. It was confirmed by his wife who was cheering against his arm in delight before his cult members escorted him away like me. "No stop! I-I'm not ready right now! Marcy! Don't let them take me away! Marcy!"

"Isn't this excitin hun! I'm so happy for you!" She gleamed excitedly with a huge smile on her face. She gave him a huge kiss before waving him goodbye as the crowd dragged him away.


I heard Camila scream but her voice was drowned out by the loud uproar. My feet were in so much pain as they dragged me across the floor towards the stage, but soon more hands grabbed onto both of my calves. Everyone started hoisting me up over their heads as if I was a part of a crazy mosh pit.

"Stop it! Let me go!" I screamed and struggled against them. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. They wouldn't listen to me. I tried to scratch a few people and even throw myself around frantically to be dropped or let go, but they held on tightly. Suddenly I was face to face with the gleaming pastor.

I saw that his nails were disgustingly long as they reached out to me and they coiled into my neck when he pulled me out from the crowd. His entire hand wrapped around my windpipe tightly that I couldn't breathe. I could hear Ray calling out my name over and over. I tried to pry his hands off me but I was quickly dunked into the blood filled bathtub. Water filled my lungs the minute I fell in. The water was still hot from before and it felt like my whole body was on fire before the pastor tore me right out of it.

With one hand still around my neck, he started the chanting again, and soon everyone joined in just like before. The dagger in his hand was brought dangerously close to my neck so that I could feel the cold steel when it pressed into my skin.

I could hear Ray's voice but it was so faint. I could barely breathe. My body suddenly felt weak and heavy.

Was I going to die here?

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