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09. Farewell, Captain Kirk

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As the doors opened to the tavern at lunchtime, Jessica couldn't help but notice that there were more people than usual, which only meant one thing: this weekend was the start of the harvest festival and would last a month until the night of the red moon. Neighbouring islands and tourists would always come to visit the island and join in on the festivities.

"Little Red," Kirk called her over. He stood by the exit of the tavern with Cain, Morgan, and John. "We're going into the centre of town later to collect some last minute supplies before we head off tomorrow. Do you want to join us?"

Jessica grinned. "I would..."

"I need your help at the bar today, Jessica," Elena interrupted. "There are more customers than usual because of the harvest festival, and it will only get busier."

Jessica pouted, but she understood that her friend needed her help. After all, Elena took her under her wing and had helped her out on the island when she had found herself shipwrecked here; she felt obliged to help out.

"Sorry, Big Red, it seems I'll be occupied for the day, but I'll see you later." She shrugged.

Kirk grunted in response, glaring at Elena. He had less than twenty-four hours before he would leave to carry on his journey towards Halfway Point. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with his little sister before he went, and Elena had taken that precious time away from him. He really didn't like that woman.

"Come on, let's go!" he hissed through gritted teeth as he trekked along the cobbled street towards the centre of town with his crew.

Back at the bar, Jessica scowled at Elena. "Why did you do that? You know we only have today to spend together."

"Your destiny isn't with Kirk." Elena wiped down the bar.

Jessica sighed; this wasn't her first time hearing this. Elena was always spouting nonsense about her destiny, especially when it came to her love life. She had been told that a man would enter her life soon and that she would one day have a choice to make that would change her life forever.

"I don't believe in your nonsense crap. Besides, I choose my own destiny."

"You can try as hard as you like to choose your own path, but destiny always wins in the end." Elena gave her a sharp look. "Now get to work."

Jessica heaved a sigh and started to work, taking orders and bringing drinks to customers and helping the chef prepare food at the back of the kitchen. As the day went on, the bar became busier and busier, giving Jessica no time to relax or dance up on stage, but she found other means to entertain herself.

It was hours later before Kirk returned. He seemed to be in a happier mood than when he left. The four of them sat down at a round table near the front of the stage playing a game of poker, waiting for Jessica to finish her shift so she could join them.

Now and then, Kirk's would look up from his hand of cards, keeping a protective eye on his little sister. He couldn't help but smirk as he watched her dancing around the tables as she served the customers their drinks. The men would hoot and cheer as she danced around them, her elegant moves distracting them from her real purpose: pickpocketing them.

His smile dropped when the ugly, fat rich man of the island tugged on her wrist. The man had a bad reputation in the port town for being greedy and getting what he liked. He pulled Jessica onto his lap, and Little Red squirmed, attempting to escape from his tight grasp.

Kirk thought she could handle herself against a man like him, until he noticed her the petrified look. The disgusting man started to lift her purple sleeve and plant sloppy kisses up her arm.

The Rookie Pirates (Parts 1-6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant