Chapter 10

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Reader's POV

We awoke the following morning and were instructed by Vanoss, Lui, and Wildcat to go to the living room. We followed directions, clueless as to what was happening. We sat together in the living room, looking around at each other and asking if they knew what was happening.

"We have some news for everyone," Vanoss started to speak, sounding almost sad in a way, "We have located Phoenix."

We all gasped at this information.

"We are going to attack them today. I know we should've said something earlier, but we were instructed to not say anything," Wildcat spoke, glancing over at Vanoss for a second.

"Take the next hour to get ready, and then we will head out once everyone is prepared," Vanoss added.

We all looked to each other in disbelief that they found Phoenix so quickly. We knew that this day was bound to arrive, but we didn't think it would come so quickly.

We stood up to leave and prepare in the following hour we had. I went to Vanoss's room to collect my things and make sure I had all of my weapons in my briefcase. I also made sure to have some extra knives and an extra gun on me just in case. I also decided to make sure my clothes were packed up, because after we defeat Phoenix we will have finished our objective and will no longer be needed.

My heart felt heavy at the thought of having to leave. We've had so much fun for the short amount of time we've been together. It was so much fun to get to know everyone in The Vanoss Crew, and I was sad to see it end so quickly.

Though I cannot explain why, the person I was most upset to leave behind was Vanoss. My mind couldn't make up an excuse as to why I didn't want to say goodbye to Vanoss. I just didn't want to leave him behind.

Just as I was thinking of Vanoss, he came into the room. He gave me a weak smile, as if he was sad as well but was hiding it as best as he could.

"You okay?" I asked, noticing his demeanor.

"I just have some things on my mind," he spoke and let out a sigh.

"... I'm going to hate leaving and saying bye to you guys," I said remorsefully.

"I'm not excited to see you leave," he mumbled.

"I wish we could stay longer, but work won't allow it. We give up a majority of our free time to our job, so seeing each other during our free time will probably be rare," I sighed. He stood there silently looking at me, seeming as if he had something to say but had difficulty putting it into words.

"I... I'll be in the gym," he muttered as he quickly left the room.

For the remainder of the hour we were allotted, I spent it walking around the apartment for possibly the last time. It was a rather large apartment, and I was pretty jealous of it. I found my way back to the living room with my briefcase in my hands.

Mini, Nogla, and Terrorizor were quietly sitting there in the living room. They looked shocked and slightly worried, and they remained quiet.

"Nervous?" I asked.

"Of course. Aren't you?" Mini replied.

"I'm terrified," I admitted.

"Ay, we'll prevail! Don't be so worried about it," Nogla spoke proudly, but his facial expression said he was scared as well.

"We've been preparing for this day for a while. But now that it's here, it feels unreal," Terrorizor mumbled. I nodded my head in agreement and said nothing more.

(VanossxReader) Keep Your Guard Up °Complete°Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang