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Chase hated wearing suits.

He didn't wear them often, but when he did, it was never for a good reason. The last time he remembered putting one on was for the funeral of one of his father's friends who died in combat.

He still remembered the star-spangled casket and the line of Navy officials paying their respects behind it. He remembered watching his old man the entire time, desperately wishing he'd never be attending his funeral anytime soon.

That was back when he spent most of his time wondering if his father would make it back home in one piece. Now, his father—who had retired—spent his time worrying about his superhero of a son.

How the tables had turned.

Stupid tie.

His calloused fingers fidgeted with the cobalt blue tie hanging from his collar. He couldn't get the knot right and his clumsy movements weren't helping. His mother was the one who tied his ties for him.

But she wasn't here.

A sigh left his lips. He missed his parents, now more than ever. Before, he had barely seen them when he was at home, but now he barely saw them at all. He longed to hear his mother's singing while she cooked dinner in the kitchen and his father's irritated groans while he watched his football team lose on TV.

But he had a job to do now. He was a part of something bigger than himself. He was a guardian. A fighter. The Sentinel. Atlas' golden boy. He was the team leader, the sergeant, the commander.

His father once had an obligation to protect and serve. That obligation was his now.

"Oh, I can't watch you struggle anymore," Stella, who was sitting on the edge of his bed joked. She walked over to him and gestured for him to turn around. "Let me do it for you."

"I got it, Stella."

"Chase. You have no idea what you're doing."

Scowling, he looked down at his tie. Or, what was supposed to be his tie. It was more of a jumbled mess of cloth now. Hanging his head, he faced her in defeat.


She grinned at him with that radiant smile of hers and went to work. He watched her fingers move swiftly across his collar. Within seconds, she had crafted a perfect knot. He furrowed his brows at her.

"There," she said. "All done."

"Why do you know how to tie a tie? And why are you so good at it."

She shrugged. "I used to do it for my dad all the time before he would go to work." She sauntered over the large mirror in the suite they were sharing for the day and touched up her long, chestnut hair. Her dark locks weren't in her usual braid. For the United Nations assembly, she had straightened them and let the silky tresses of hair cascade down her back.

Chase found himself focused on her entire being as she adjusted the straps of her gold, bodycon dress. The shimmering material complimented her bronze skin beautifully. The mascara accentuating her long eyelashes brought out the light in her hazel irises.

She practically had a halo hovering above her head as Chase watched her get ready.

His girlfriend glance at him over her shoulder and blushed. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He shrugged innocently and smiled. "I'm just admiring my beautiful girlfriend."

"Oh, stop." She batted her lashes at him lovingly. "Just kidding, keep going."

Laughing, Chase walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her slim waist. The two of them stood there for a few moments, losing themselves in each other's loving gazes. His knees nearly buckled when Stella bit her lip as she looked up at him with her hazel, doe-like eyes. She draped her arms around his neck. Her fingertips grazed the hair at the base of his neck, soliciting a ragged breath from his lips.

Hidden Enemies | The Prime Archives #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now