Chapter 7- Caved In

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Yona was fuming by the time she left the blue dragon's cavern. She wasn't just upset because the second warrior refused to join her mission. It was the reason why he was hesitant to leave that made her lips pucker in a sour manner.

'It must be because of that girl, (Y/N).' She thought to herself as she walked down the corridor with Yun flanking her side. She crossed her arms and continued to sulk. 'She's been poisoning his mind, convincing him that outsiders are dangerous. Why else would he be so paranoid?'

"Princess?" Yun squeaked tentatively when he noticed the fire blazing behind her eyes. "Something about your face tells me that you're dissatisfied with how that went."

"What do you think her relationship is to him?" Her bottled up emotions finally exploded as she clenched her dainty hands into fists.

"What do you mean?" He countered while flinching at the power behind her words.

"I mean... Who do you think (Y/N) is to the Blue Dragon? What kind of influence must she have over him to make him actually want to stay in this dark cage?"

Yun frowned to himself, shifting his gaze away from her uneasily. It wasn't like Yona to be concerned over such trivial matters. Normally she would have commented about the lack of food stocked in the Blue dragon's cave, or the dreary conditions he was forced to live in.

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "There's a good chance that they have nothing to do with each other at all. For all we know, she's just a merchant looking to start a trade with the Blue Dragon's tribe."

"Yeah right..." She grumbled back, and stubbornly folded her arms across her chest. Yona highly doubted that Yun's logic could be accurate. Seiryou's refusal to leave must have been caused by something, and at the moment the only scapegoat she had to place the blame on was that nuisance of a girl, (Y/N).

Side by side, Yona and Yun approached the intersecting corridors that lead them out to where Kija would be waiting. Kija had mysteriously left them alone earlier to find the second dragon warrior together. It was strange considering how excited he had previously been to meet one of his brothers.

Now Yona could see why he had ditched them.

"Step back, you cretins!" He snarled viciously, extending his arms as far as possible to block a massive hoarde of villagers from stepping onto the path.

"Kija?" The princess greeted with a curious tilt of her head. "What's going on?"

"Stay back," The white haired man cautioned, nudging her back a little to avoid the reaching hands of a villager. "These people are dangerous, Princess."

"It's just as I suspected," Yun exclaimed darkly. "These creepy people truly have been watching us all along. They probably plan on killing us to keep the blue dragon's existence a secret from the outside world." Chills ran down Yona's spine as she realized that they were greatly outnumbered, and could be finished off quite easily. Sure, Kija was a strong warrior who proved he could handle fighting early on, but standing alone against a group of over fifty armed men would undoubtedly wear him out quickly.

One brave man stepped forward with a sneer, brandishing a flaming torch and a pitchfork. "Those who dare to visit the cursed one may not return on this path. We can't let you leave after seeing him!" Despite the slight tremble in his hands, his words were strong and unwavering, leaving behind no evidence of fear.

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