The Free City of Pentos

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Ser Erik Clegane was fucking tired.

He, his men and Varys had successfully found Elia and her children hiding in her quarters. Without explanation they had taken the three, pulled them through dark cobweb ridden tunnels and put them into a boat that Varys had had waiting at the small dock. After which they had voyaged all the way across the Narrow Sea.

They had finally reached Pentos, and, as it happened, Varys knew a man there who was willing to support the Targaryens. The plans was to bring them there were the children would be raised to adulthood.

In that time Varys would find Targaryen supporters in Westeros and Essos who he would ensure were ready for when Aegon and his family wished to retake the throne. Meanwhile Ser Erik and his men would be gathering Essosi military support. Erik had heard much of the sellsword companies of Essos and figured he would be able to gain their support to sail to Westeros. All he would need was gold. Lots and lots of gold. Luckily Varys had enough for him to make serious progress. However he would likely need to infiltrate said sellsword companies with his own men. To...ensure...their loyalty.

Rhaella, Viserys and her newborn Daenerys had all finished their voyage to Pentos and as it was there were currently five Targaryens under Magistrate Illyrio Mopatis' roof.

Some days Erik questioned his sanity. He had endangered his mens lives and his own to abandon everything he had ever known for the sake of a few children and a fat man of questionable sexuality.

He supposed that was why he had done it. Erik had done much in his life, killing mostly, yet adventure had not been part of it. He was bigger and stronger than any lesser man and as such was capable of far more difficult tasks. For instance raising five Targaryen children in Essos with nothing but a pile of gold and three hundred men. Be it those three hundred men were as loyal as any and the best of the best in terms of fighting quality, but still. Against the army of the now officially annointed King Robert I Baratheon that was very little. Erik was at the very beginning of a long and painful journey. All because he wanted an adventure?

As it was, Erik was on the back of a horse. Why you might ask? Well he was heading for the camp of the famous Golden Company. His task was to gather an army and gather an army he would. The Golden Company was the largest of the sellsword groups in Essos and also the most likely to back the Targaryens as they had were founded by the descendant of one Aegor 'Bittersteel' Rivers. Be it their past experience included fighting for the Blackfyre's against the Targaryens but there were no Blackfyre's left and plenty yet of Targaryen's. 

The Golden Company were reputed to have never broken a contract and were well trained and equipped soldiers, they also had elephants. Now Erik had never seen an elephant before, but he'd heard they were big heavy motherfuckers with tusks and that was good enough for him.

Erik was on the way to meet with the leader of the Company, one Harry Strickland to make their deal.

The Giant sighed.

He was very tired.


Gregor Clegane was happy.

His brother Erik had abandoned the kingdoms and ran off with a bunch of white-haired bastards. Leaving him as the head of House Clegane. The only bad thing was he had taken all three hundred of their houses retainers and men-at-arms.

Gregor was currently being knighted for his services to his liege Lord Tywin Lannisters. Unlike his brother he knew how to remain loyal and show the proper respect, he might not like it, but the rewards of such were worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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